Global Health Studies (HLTH)

* HLTH 081a, Current Issues in Medicine and Public HealthRobert Bazell

Analysis of issues in public health and medicine that get extensive media attention and provoke policy debates. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed severe challenges in the communication between science and health experts and the public. Thus, a prime focus is a survey of epidemiology and related topics such as vaccination attitudes. The class covers other topics including (but not limited to) the value of cancer screening, genetic testing, the U.S. role in global health, physician assisted suicide and the cost of health care. Students learn to understand the scientific literature and critique its coverage in popular media–as well as producing science and medical journalism themselves. Enrollment limited to first-year students.  Prerequisite: AP Biology or equivalent.   SC
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm

* HLTH 155a / E&EB 106a / MCDB 106a, Biology of Malaria, Lyme, and Other Vector-Borne DiseasesAlexia Belperron

Introduction to the biology of pathogen transmission from one organism to another by insects; special focus on malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease. Biology of the pathogens including modes of transmission, establishment of infection, and immune responses; the challenges associated with vector control, prevention, development of vaccines, and treatments. Intended for non–science majors; preference to first-years and sophomores. Prerequisite: high school biology.  SC
MW 1pm-2:15pm

* HLTH 250a / E&EB 335a, Evolution and MedicineBrandon Ogbunu

Introduction to the ways in which evolutionary science informs medical research and clinical practice. Diseases of civilization and their relation to humans' evolutionary past; the evolution of human defense mechanisms; antibiotic resistance and virulence in pathogens; cancer as an evolutionary process. Students view course lectures on line; class time focuses on discussion of lecture topics and research papers. Prerequisite: BIOL 101104.  WR, SC
TTh 1pm-2:15pm

* HLTH 370a / ER&M 360a / HSHM 432a / SOCY 390a / WGSS 390a, Politics of ReproductionRene Almeling

Reproduction as a process that is simultaneously biological and social, involving male and female bodies, family formation, and powerful social institutions such as medicine, law, and the marketplace. Sociological research on reproductive topics such as pregnancy, birth, abortion, contraception, infertility, reproductive technology, and aging. Core sociological concepts used to examine how the politics of reproduction are shaped by the intersecting inequalities of gender, race, class, and sexuality.  WR, SO
T 3:30pm-5:20pm

* HLTH 425b / ANTH 453b, Global Health: Equity and PolicyCatherine Panter-Brick

Current debates in global health have focused specifically on health disparities, equity, and policy. This advanced undergraduate seminar class is designed for students seeking to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of health research, practice, and policy.  Each week, we address issues of importance for research and policy, and apply theory, ethics, and practice to global health debates and case studies. The class encourages critical thinking regarding the promotion of health equity.    WR, SO
W 1:30pm-3:20pm

* HLTH 490a, Global Health Research ColloquiumStaff

This course is designed for Global Health Scholars in their senior year as they synthesize their academic studies and practical experiences during their time in the Global Health Studies MAP. In this weekly seminar, Global Health Scholars analyze central challenges in global health and discuss methodological approaches that have responded to these pressing global health concerns. In addition to close reading and discussion, students present on a topic of their choosing and contribute to shaping the agenda for innovative methods in global health research and policy. Prerequisite: HLTH 230 or permission of the instructor. This is a required course for Global Health Scholars and enrollment is limited to Global Health Scholars.   RP

* HLTH 495a or b, Interdisciplinary Health Research TopicsCarolyn Mazure

Empirical research project or literature review. A faculty member who establishes requirements and oversees the student’s progress must sponsor each student. Registration requires the completion of the tutorial form with faculty sponsor. Tutorial forms must be submitted to the director of undergraduate studies within five business days from the start of the term. The standard minimum requirement is a written report detailing the completed research or literature review. However, alternate equivalent requirements may be set by faculty sponsors. May be elected for one or two terms. May be repeated for credit. May not be used for a senior requirement.  ½ Course cr