Teaching and Research Opportunities

The school offers teaching fellowships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships. Students appointed as teaching fellows and assistants help faculty in their graduate and undergraduate courses. Research assistants aid faculty in their research. The Teaching Fellowship Program offers stipends (fixed payments); the Teaching Assistantship and Research Assistantship programs offer financial support to students according to the level of teaching or research involvement, and the nature of the course or research in which the student is assisting.

Fellowships and assistantships are one-term appointments made by the dean’s office at the request of the faculty. These appointments are usually made at the end of a term for the following term.

In addition, several departments in Yale College, including History of Art and several foreign languages, often offer teaching fellowships to students in the school who may have an appropriate expertise.

It is not necessary to qualify for financial aid in order to hold any of these appointments, although the earnings from these appointments may be included in determining financial aid awards.