General Regulations

  1. Students are required to conform to the regulations established by the School of Architecture. The School of Architecture Handbook contains the School’s Academic Rules and Regulations. This handbook can be found online at
  2. In order to graduate, students must complete all required and elective course degree requirements listed for their academic program. Students are responsible for ensuring that their own course selections meet their degree requirements.
  3. It is expected that students will attend all classes regularly, including all reviews and final examinations. In any course, more than two unexcused absences may result in a failing grade. Refer to the Attendance portion of the Academic Rules and Regulations section of the School of Architecture Handbook ( for details.
  4. The school reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student whose work fails to meet the school’s requirements or whose conduct is deemed harmful to the school. Refer to the General Conduct and Discipline section of the School of Architecture Handbook for details.
  5. The school reserves the right to retain examples of a student’s work each term for exhibition purposes, and no work may be removed without permission.
  6. The school reserves the right to photograph students in studio spaces, including at reviews, and to use those photographs in print and digital media. The school may also use images and text derived from student work in print and digital media, giving credit to the author.

Emergency Suspension

The dean of the School of Architecture, or a delegate of the dean, may place a student on an emergency suspension from residence or academic status when (1) the student has been arrested for or charged with serious criminal behavior by law enforcement authorities; or (2) the student allegedly violated a disciplinary rule of the School of Architecture and the student’s presence on campus poses a significant risk to the safety or security of members of the community.

Following an individualized risk and safety analysis, the student will be notified in writing of the emergency suspension. A student who is notified of an emergency suspension will have twenty-four hours to respond to the notice. The emergency suspension will not be imposed prior to an opportunity for the student to respond unless circumstances warrant immediate action for the safety and security of members of the community. In such cases, the student will have an opportunity to respond after the emergency suspension has been imposed.

When a student in the School of Architecture is placed on an emergency suspension, the matter will be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with school policy. Such a suspension may remain in effect until disciplinary action has been taken with regard to the student; however, it may be lifted earlier by action of the dean or dean’s delegate, or by the disciplinary committee after a preliminary review.