Yale University Library
Yale University Library comprises collections, spaces, technology, and people. The collections contain fifteen million print and electronic volumes in more than a dozen libraries and locations, including Sterling Memorial Library, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Marx Science and Social Science Library, and the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Library. Yale Library’s resources also include extensive licensed e-resources and extraordinary special collections that represent the diversity of the human experience in forms ranging from ancient papyri to early printed books, rare film and music recordings, and a growing body of born-digital materials. More than five hundred staff members facilitate teaching, research, and practice with deep subject-area knowledge as well as expertise in digital humanities, geographic information systems, and the use and management of research data. Yale Library’s preservation and conservation specialists develop and apply leading-edge technology to maintain collections, providing critical support for increased access to collections, an expanding exhibition program, and Yale’s emphasis on teaching with primary sources. For more information, visit https://library.yale.edu.