Attendance, Cut Restriction, and Exclusion from Courses

Although regular attendance is expected of all students, Yale College itself enforces no general regulation concerning classroom attendance. Instructors of individual courses, however, may require attendance of all students in their courses. This is most frequently done in discussion groups, seminars, laboratories, and language courses. An attendance requirement, like any other course requirement, should be stated on the syllabus.

A student who, in the opinion of the instructor and of the residential college dean, has been absent from a course to an excessive degree and without excuse may at any time be placed on Cut Restriction in that course or in all courses. A student on Cut Restriction who continues to be absent from a course may, with the concurrence of the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing, be excluded from the course without credit.

Any student who, in the opinion of the instructor and of the residential college dean, does unsatisfactory work in a course may also be excluded from that course at any time without credit. The Committee on Honors and Academic Standing must authorize such an exclusion.

An instructor who wishes to place a student on Cut Restriction or to recommend that a student be excluded from a course should communicate with the student’s residential college dean. The college dean will assist in carrying the matter to the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing.

Please note that while the college deans are authorized to extend the deadlines of work under a narrow band of circumstances (described in the Yale College Programs of Study, under the subsection "Work Missed During the Term"), they cannot excuse missed attendance; only the instructor of record may excuse class participation and attendance.