It is a regulation of Yale College that all tests and examinations be carefully proctored. Departments are responsible for setting up make-up exams and for assigning proctors.
During tests and examinations students should be seated apart from each other as much as possible. If they are permitted to take breaks in the hall outside the examination room, the hallway should also be proctored. Students reporting for an examination who have brought study materials with them, whether print or electronic, should be asked to deposit these materials at the front of the examination room until the examination has concluded. The use of cellular phones or electronic messaging devices during examinations is prohibited.
Yale College discourages the administration of remote exams on an ad hoc basis. Departments that require remote exams should work directly with the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning to determine optimal student to proctor ratios and other practices.
All requests from students with disabilities for special accommodations with respect to examinations must be made in advance through the University’s Student Accessibility Services. If the request is approved, the director of the Student Accessibility Services office will send a letter to the instructor describing the accommodation to be provided, such as locating a quiet space for the student to take the examination over a prescribed period of time and the possibility of providing a proctor. The proctoring obligations described above also apply to such special accommodations.
At the appropriate time in the term, the University Registrar's Office sends each instructor an email indicating that classrooms have been assigned for final exams and a link to the policies for administering final exams.