The Student Government Organization
The Student Government Organization (SGO), open to all enrolled Nursing students, was formalized in 1969. The SGO mission statement was revised in 2001 to state: “The mission of the Yale School of Nursing Student Government Organization is to enhance the quality of life and education for the whole community by fostering student vision, leadership, advocacy, and action.” In recent years the SGO has focused on strengthening school-wide communication, providing social activities, and representing a student voice in policy making at YSN. The SGO is responsible for providing support to the class representatives, meeting with the YSN dean, providing student liaisons to faculty meetings and YSN committee meetings, and supporting outreach activities between graduate and professional schools at Yale and within the New Haven area.
Each spring the SGO elects officers for the next term of office, which is from April to April. General meetings, advertised by e-mail and in the Hub, are held approximately monthly during the academic year, and all students are invited to attend.