Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

The Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) specialty prepares graduates to provide comprehensive, holistic care for patients with episodic, critical, and complex illness or injury, as well as chronic disease exacerbations.  Education includes how to stabilize patient conditions, prevent complications, restore and maintain optimal health, and provide palliative and end-of-life care.  The AGPCNP curriculum prepares graduates to provide care for individuals beginning at adolescence through the adult lifespan.  The AGPCNP curriculum focuses on optimizing health by engaging patients in decisions that support the intersection of physical, behavioral, and social wellness; this curriculum prepares graduates to assess undifferentiated presentations and emphasize primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.  

The AGPCNP curriculum is intended to prepare students to apply for Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Certification through the American Nurses Credentialing Center or the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Year One

Fall Term
NURS 6000Advanced Health Assessment3
NURS 6010Advanced Pathophysiology3
NURS 6020Advanced Pharmacology2
NURS 7020Primary Care I A1
NURS 7030Primary Care I B1
NURS 7100Critical Perspectives in The Care of the Older Adult2
NURS 7200Women’s Health I1
Spring Term
NURS 6040Statistics and Research for Evidence-Based Practice Nursing3
NURS 7000Advanced Skills and Procedures for the Primary Care Provider2
NURS 7040Primary Care II2
NURS 7045Primary Care II Clinical Practice AGPCNP5
NURS 7110Advanced FNP/AGPCNP Pharmacology1
NURS 7230Women’s Health III1
NURS 7440Primary Care of Adolescents2
Year Two
NURS 7046Primary Care II Clinical Practice AGPCNP5
NURS 6050Transitions to Professional Practice2
NURS 6060Promoting Health in the Community2
NURS 6070Mental Health Management for Advanced Practice Nurses2
NURS 7060Primary Care IIIA1
NURS 7061Primary Care IIIB1
NURS 6210Advanced Primary Care and Community Health1
Spring Term
NURS 7047Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Practicum II7
NURS 7104Advanced Primary Care of the Older Adult2
NURS 6211Advanced Primary Care and Community Health1