Undergraduate Organizations

The Yale College Dean's Office is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of undergraduates by fostering student leadership and involvement in diverse organizations. Participation in student-led groups enhances a student’s education by providing opportunities for personal development and growth beyond the classroom. Yale and the broader community benefit from the variety of valuable services and activities provided by undergraduate organizations. Students are encouraged to participate in organizations that are open to all members of the community, and whose activities do not interfere with university policies, programs, or the rights of other members of the campus community. The Yale College Dean’s Office is committed to helping students establish and manage organizations and plan impactful events, and will also provide financial guidance, clarify University policies and procedures, and authorize the use of university resources and facilities for undergraduate organizations.

Undergraduate organizations are bound by the same regulations on Activities and Events and Alcohol that apply to individual students.

Student organizations that violate the policies below may lose their registration status and access to university resources.

A. Types of Undergraduate Organizations

Any group in which a majority of the participants are undergraduate students who share a common interest or goal is eligible to apply to be an undergraduate organization. Such an organization that conducts meetings periodically, sponsors activities on the campus of Yale University, and/or primarily provides a service for or by Yale undergraduates, and/or that raises funds within the University for charitable purposes, must register with the Yale College Dean’s Office to receive Yale resources and privileges.

  • Registered Student Organizations (RSOs): Groups or organizations registered with the Yale College Dean’s Office.
  • Residential College Groups: Groups with activities limited to, and affecting only, a single residential college (e.g., college councils, rooming committees). Must register with the Head of College's office of the appropriate residential college.
  • Club Sports: Groups that compete athletically. Must register with the Office of Club Sports in the Department of Athletics.

Groups not registered with any of the above-listed offices will be considered unregistered.

B. Responsibilities of Undergraduate Organizations

All registered student organizations must abide by the Undergraduate Regulations, just as all individual students must. Organizations, along with their officers and members, assume the responsibility of being aware of and adhering to the Undergraduate Regulations outlined in this text, including any revisions made periodically.

Student Organization Policies. Registered student organizations, along with their officers and members, are responsible for being aware of and following all policies posted on the Student Organizations website.

Community Safety.  Students who observe or believe that University policy or state or federal law has been violated (including but not limited to hazing, sexual misconduct, or theft) while working for or participating in the activities of an undergraduate organization are encouraged to report these incidents to the Yale College Dean’s Office. Such reports may be referred to the Yale College Executive Committee or the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC), as appropriate, for possible disciplinary action, and/or referred to appropriate civil authorities.

Training Requirements. Organizations must fulfill the annual training requirements set by the Yale College Dean’s Office. Failure to comply with training requirements will result in loss of registered status. 

Inclusion Policy. Student organizations must operate in accordance with Yale policies on equal opportunity, which state, “...Yale does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment against any individual on account of that individual’s sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a protected veteran, or national or ethnic origin; nor does Yale discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.”  

However, an exception regarding gender may be granted for a single gender, philanthropic Greek letter chapter in good standing with their national organization. The chapter must be affiliated with a Yale campus entity, such as Dwight Hall, the Chaplain’s Office, or a cultural center. 

Accommodation for Disabilities. As part of an undergraduate organization’s obligation to abide by these policies, the organization is responsible for making reasonable accommodations to assist students with disabilities who indicate that they wish to participate in the organization’s activities or attend one of its events. The Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA) and Student Accessibility Services (SAS) are available to help organizations with these efforts.

Non-Profit Operation. Undergraduate organizations must operate on a non-profit basis. See section G, Finances and Record Keeping.

C. Registration of Undergraduate Organizations

Any organization that conducts meetings periodically, sponsors activities on the campus of Yale University, and/or primarily provides a service for or by Yale undergraduates, and/or raises funds within the University for charitable purposes, must register with the Yale College Dean’s Office to receive Yale resources and privileges.

Purpose. Registration is designed to ensure that the purpose and activities of organizations are consistent with the established purposes of the University. Registration is further required as activities of student organizations frequently appear to involve identification with the University; however, registration does not imply official approval by the University of the activities of any undergraduate organization, nor does it indicate any responsibility for them.

Procedure for Annual Registration. All undergraduate organizations, whether returning or new, are expected each academic year to submit an online application for registration through Yale Connect by the deadlines listed on the Student Organizations website. Organizations that miss these deadlines must wait until the following academic year to register.

  • Returning organizations: Re-registration occurs at the beginning of each Fall semester.
  • New organizations: Intent to Register applications are only reviewed in the Spring. Submissions are accepted at the end of each Fall semester. See the Student Organizations website for more information.

The online registration form requires, among other things, a description of the purposes of the organization, a constitution, and the identification of officers or other leaders. Each group must have at least 5 members prior to registration. For returning groups, a complete list of members and officers is required and must be up to date in an organization's Yale Connect portal. New organizations are not required to provide a constitution until the end of their initial semester on-boarding.

Training. After a returning organization's re-registration is submitted, the president and treasurer of that organization are required to attend the fall training sponsored by the Yale College Dean’s Office. If a new organization’s intent to register application is provisionally approved, they will be required to complete one semester of initial training (also known as on-boarding). More information about the initial on-boarding is available on the Student Organizations website.

Registration Duration. Registration is valid for one academic year and remains valid until re-registration reopens before the subsequent academic year begins.

Rebranding. If a student organization wishes to change its activities from those outlined in its registration documents or alter aspects of the organization described in the registration agreements, the organization must submit an organization change request form in Yale Connect for review and approval. Further online changes to group records are permitted only after the initial changes have been reviewed.

Access. To ensure full access to group records for annual registration purposes and to ensure that online communications to the organization can be delivered promptly, officer term dates (beginning/ending) must remain valid. Yale Connect will not grant access to any officer whose term of office has expired.

Umbrella Organizations: Umbrella organizations are expected to maintain up-to-date registration requirements for all their affiliated organizations, including a roster of members and officers, and a constitution. Each umbrella organization may choose from the following options how to maintain these requirements:

  • The larger umbrella organization maintains the registration requirements, including a roster of members and officers, for all affiliated organizations, along with a constitution that applies to all organizations beneath it.
  • All organizations that fall beneath the umbrella organization maintain their own registration requirements, including rosters of members and officers, and their own constitutions.
  • Some combination of the above.

Registration Approval. A group’s registration is confirmed by a formal communication of registration approval from the Yale College Dean’s Office. The status of an organization may be verified on the Official List of Registered Undergraduate Organizations. All religious organizations must have the approval of Yale’s Chaplain’s Office before their registration can be approved by the Yale College Dean’s Office.

Revocation or Suspension of Registration. The Office of Student Affairs may revoke or suspend the registration of any undergraduate organization that has not abided by the Undergraduate Regulations or by the organization’s registration and related agreements. Failure by a student organization or its officers or designated representatives to meet the financial obligations of the organization in a timely manner can also result in the suspension or revocation of registration.

Reinstatement. Any request for reinstatement should be addressed to the Office of Student Affairs in the Yale College Dean’s Office.

Associated Student Agencies. Organizations that are established for the purpose of selling or renting items or paying students cannot be registered student organizations, but they may be able to operate as Associated Student Agencies. Students who wish to form such an agency should consult with the business manager of the Associated Student Agencies, 246 Church Street.

D. Privileges of Undergraduate Organizations

Subject to availability and in some cases payment of rental fees, registration allows undergraduate organizations to:

  • Reserve Yale College classrooms and certain other University facilities or properties for programs, rehearsals, performances, and meetings, including conferences or other campus events;
  • Request funding* from the Undergraduate Organizations Funding Committee (UOFC);
  • Request funding* from the Dean’s Discretionary Funds;
  • Request storage space on campus;
  • Participate in the Student Activities Bazaar during Camp Yale;
  • Petition for permission to use the Yale name;
  • Purchase some goods and services from the University;
  • Accept gifts from alumni and other donors for the current use of the undergraduate organization, when the solicitation for that donation was approved in the manner described in section H;
  • Request the use of theater and rehearsal spaces;
  • Be covered by Yale’s liability insurance and automobile insurance when traveling on official group business;
  • Provide proof of insurance coverage for organizations meeting or performing beyond the Yale campus;
  • Receive contract review from the Procurement office and guidance from the Risk Management office;
  • Apply for a Yale website (yalesites.yale.edu);
  • Request a group @yale.edu email address.

* New organizations are eligible for limited funding during their semester of initial on-boarding.

E. Officers and Advisers

Advisers. To assist in providing continuity from year to year, organizations are encouraged to have a Yale staff or faculty member as an adviser. Organizations must keep information about their advisers up to date in their Yale Connect portal.

Officers. Officers must be Yale College students currently enrolled for study in New Haven, in academic good standing, and not on disciplinary probation. Only officers may act officially on behalf of an organization. Officers should be aware that they are financially and legally responsible for the organization during their terms of service; they can be held responsible by Yale, as well as by other entities, for any infractions committed by their organizations. Officers must be listed in their organization's Yale Connect portal with up-to-date information, including term dates.

F. Members

Officers are responsible for maintaining a complete, up-to-date roster of members in the Yale Connect portal for their student organization.

Membership Criteria:

  • Any student organization that receives university resources must be equally open to all undergraduates. Graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff of Yale University can be members of an undergraduate organization, as long as Yale College students constitute a majority of the membership.
  • Student organization membership ordinarily continues for the duration of a student’s time at Yale. Organizations may choose to have shorter durations (membership per semester or year, for example); this must be made clear to all prospective and current members. (See here for details on organization membership for students taking time away from enrollment.)
  • Membership may not be restricted based on personal characteristics, beliefs, or behaviors outside the organization’s core functions. This is true even for organizations which focus on a specific issue or identity. Membership may, however, be restricted to students who support the core goals of the student organization. For example, “Yale Women for Forest Preservation” must be open to people of all gender identities willing to work for the involvement of women in protecting forests.
  • Student organizations that require specific skills may restrict their membership through a structured audition process open to all undergraduates. The standards used to select members must be related to the needs of the organization, and public announcements about auditions or competitions should be made to ensure that interested students are informed about the opportunities to be considered for membership in the organization. The information must be outlined clearly in the organization's constitution and must include a timeline of the process. The criteria must be skills based and operate in accordance with Yale's non-discrimination policy

Membership Management:

  • Student organizations may set membership expectations pertinent to their core functions; examples include regular attendance, fulfillment of assigned tasks, practice, and preparation for organizational activities. These expectations should be documented in the organization’s constitution or bylaws.
  • Organization leaders are expected to provide feedback and clear guidance to any members who fail to meet organization expectations or who are obstructing the organization’s core functions. If, despite multiple interventions, the member continues to fall short of the student organization’s expectations, leaders may require the member to leave the organization. For example, members who miss too many meetings, fail to complete crucial tasks, or significantly disrupt rehearsals could be informed that their membership is in jeopardy; if the behavior persists, they could lose their membership.
    • Members may not be required to leave a student organization based on identities, beliefs, or behaviors outside the scope of the organization’s core functions. Misbehavior in other contexts is insufficient justification for removing someone’s membership. If leaders are concerned that a student member has engaged in behavior that violates the Undergraduate Regulations or other university policies, the leaders should bring their concerns to the attention of their Student Organization Consultant or to a university official such as a dean, a Title IX Coordinator, or a Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinator. Student organizations may not conduct internal disciplinary processes to address these matters, nor may they ask a member to leave due to behaviors outside the scope of the organization’s core functions.

G. Finances and Record Keeping

Financial Records and Reports. A record of all income and expenses and supporting documentation is to be maintained at all times and must be submitted to the Yale College Dean's Office by way of the end-of-semester survey. Each registered undergraduate organization must track original receipts and ensure their account is reconciled. Financial records and reports may be audited by the University at any time. Incorporated student organizations are advised to consult with the Internal Revenue Service for specific information regarding tax obligations and responsibilities.

Financial Responsibility. Each undergraduate organization is fully responsible for its own finances. Officers should be aware that they are personally responsible for the payment of debts incurred during the period for which they are responsible for the organization. Any financial difficulties of an undergraduate organization should be discussed as early as possible with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Hannah Peck, who may be able to assist or advise the organization.

Nonprofit Status. All undergraduate organizations are to be operated exclusively on a nonprofit basis. If it becomes necessary for the organization to incorporate as a nonprofit with the IRS, this action is to be undertaken after consultation with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Hannah Peck. Any undergraduate organization that incorporates must do so strictly on a nonprofit basis and in a manner that perpetuates its undergraduate status.

Profits and Wages. Undergraduate organizations, as tax-exempt entities, are prohibited from being profit-making operations. Thus the “profits” or earnings of an undergraduate organization may not be paid to or divided among student members, officers, or other leaders. In that connection, wages or payments to students for their work with student organizations cannot be awarded in a way that would be a disguise for what is really a division of profits. 

Permission for students to be paid for services they perform has occasionally been granted to a few organizations. Organizations wishing to pay wages to any students must receive advance written approval to do so from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Hannah Peck. Students permitted to earn wages for their work with an undergraduate organization must be hired through the Yale College Dean’s Office and paid according to the prevailing rates and regulations of the Student Employment Office.

Unused funds. The balance of unused funds for an event must be returned to the original funding source within three weeks of the date of the event along with the receipt for funds spent.

Use of University Funds. All funds provided to student organizations by Yale, or given to a student organization through the Yale development office, must be spent in accordance with the award. Student organizations may spend Yale funds only on goods and services that directly support their organization. Any payments over $10,000 to individuals for services such as speaking fees, etc., must be approved in advance by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Hannah Peck. These funds may not be spent on any items or activities that might jeopardize Yale University’s non-profit status and may not be transferred or donated to an outside organization.

H. Fundraising

Approved Locations. In accordance with "Activities and Events" section J. Sales and Solicitations, fundraising on campus can only be done in the following spaces:

  • Residential college common rooms;
  • The Yale Schwarzman Center rotunda;
  • Interior performance spaces

Fundraising in these spaces must be done in consultation with the appropriate entity: the residential college offices, the YSC staff, or Undergraduate Production. QR codes for approved fundraising projects may be displayed on posters, or in emails and programs – but may not be part of any in-person activities or displays outside of the approved physical spaces.

From Alumni. Student organizations may not contact prospective donors until they have received authorization from the Yale College Office of Development (YCODV). YCODV works to solicit tax-deductible gifts only and cannot assist student organizations with corporate sponsorships, sales, or other incentivized contributions.   

Starting in Fall 2023, YCODV launched YaleSOAR (Yale Student Orgs Annual Raise), a student-led giving week during which registered groups can create custom fundraising appeals which will be shared with all alumni through the Yale Alumni Fund, as well as with students’ personal networks. Groups who identify the need for additional fundraising outside of YaleSOAR must demonstrate that they were not able to anticipate the need for funds during the YaleSOAR application window. In these special cases, student orgs will need to provide a written statement describing the purpose of the solicitation, the names and affiliations of prospective donors, and copies of all proposed solicitation materials. In order for an individual donor to receive Yale credit and/or a tax receipt from Yale, all gifts must be made through an official Yale giving site. Please reach out to yalecollegeodv@yale.edu with any questions. 

Funding by the Undergraduate Organizations Funding Committee (UOFC). Funds are received annually by the UOFC for disbursement to registered undergraduate organizations. Organizations should note that it is rare for an entire funding request to be granted, and the committee does not provide funding for off-campus travel. The committee’s guidelines and links to the funding application are available online on the UOFC’s website (https://www.ycc.yale.edu/about-uofc). Provisionally approved organizations in their on-boarding semester will have limited access to UOFC funds.

Funding from the Dean’s Discretionary Fund (DDF). Registered undergraduate organizations may request funding up to $5,000 from the Dean’s Discretionary Fund once every five years. Such funding is limited, and it is not typically granted for routine, yearly activities. Applications may be found online via Yale Connect. Applications must include a budget showing all expected income and expenses, and if funding is granted, receipts must be submitted at the conclusion of the event to verify that the money was spent in a manner consistent with the application. Provisionally approved organizations in their on-boarding semester are not eligible to apply.

Fundraising for a Cause. Student organizations sometimes wish to raise funds for a cause that their organization supports. This is possible as long as the student organization designates a registered 501(c)3 non-profit (the designation for federally recognized charities) as the recipient of the funds.

Student organizations may not raise funds for individuals or any entities other than registered 501(c)3 non-profits.

In rare cases it may be possible to raise funds for a non-US based charitable organization in consultation with Dwight Hall. Student organizations should consult their entire membership when choosing a fundraising cause and recipient organization.

The most straightforward approach is for student organizations to encourage donations directly to the 501(c)3 non-profit; often, the non-profit can set up a mechanism for tracking donations so that the student organization can measure the success of their efforts. If the student organization collects the funds itself, those funds need to be stored in an organizational bank account outside of Yale (not an individual student’s account, nor an internal Yale account) and then directly transferred to the 501(c)3 non-profit. Note that any funds given to a 501(c)3 non-profit must be raised specifically for that cause and may not include Yale funding sources.

If your group is considering fundraising for an outside cause, please write to student.organizations@yale.edu, so that we can help guide you through the process.

Honoraria. Many distinguished visitors speak and perform at Yale without receiving compensation for their services. Occasionally it is necessary to pay an honorarium to certain speakers. The UOFC does not provide funding for honoraria, but such funds may be obtained from other sources at Yale. Generally, student groups do not pay a single speaker more than $3,500.

Raising Funds outside the University. Undergraduate organizations are encouraged to seek funds from a variety of sources, including reasonable membership dues; donations at concerts, speeches, or other events; and advertisements in publications. Fund-raising activities are permissible only to the extent that they are needed to support the activities of the organization, since each organization is operated on a nonprofit basis. 

I. Use of the Yale Name and Representation of the University

Yale Trademark and Licensing Policy. The Yale name and marks associated with the University are protected by trademark law and governed by Yale Trademark Licensing. Any use by undergraduates of the Yale name or trademarks in the title or caption of a publication or an organization or the like, on any promotional materials, or on any item or product to be manufactured, distributed, or sold by an individual or an organization, must be approved by the secretary of the University or the secretary’s duly authorized agents, and under such restrictions and explanations as they may impose or require. Guidelines and requirements are available from the office of Yale Trademark Licensing.

Student groups may not use the Yale name to incorporate or to apply for 501(c)(3) status.

Permission Process. Groups may request to include the Yale name in their title or visual identity through their annual registration with the Yale College Dean’s Office or by submitting a request for a name change via Yale Connect. Approval to use the Yale name is not final until the organization has received a memo confirming the privilege. 

Permission to continue to use the Yale name is contingent upon maintaining these requirements and conforming to the regulations applicable to the organization. Permission is automatically revoked if an organization fails to register each year. Upon subsequent registration, the organization must reapply for permission to use the Yale name.

Customization. No student organization may reproduce a stylized version of the Yale name and/or use any University marks in its literature, on a website, on its stationery, or in other media without prior written approval.

Name Usage Guidelines. The full name of the organization, including any subtitle, must be included on all materials, including but not limited to agreements, stationery, posters, websites, business cards, and merchandise whenever the organization includes the Yale name to identify itself. The only exception is a group’s bank account and bank checks which, for tax purposes, must not include the Yale name.

Email addresses. Students may not create or use non-Yale email addresses with the word Yale in it, but should instead request a Yale email address by following the instructions outlined on the Student Organizations website.

Representation of the University. No undergraduate organization shall purport to represent the views or opinions of Yale University or Yale College in the context of any publication, web page, radio, television, or Web broadcast or public forum.

J. Risk Management and Insurance

Coverage. Most registered undergraduate organizations are covered by a general liability insurance policy purchased by the University for their events, providing there is full compliance with all rules and regulations governing undergraduate organizations. Exception: Fraternities and sororities are not covered, and they, and affiliates of other national organizations, are expected to receive primary insurance coverage from their national organization.

External Vendors. External vendors or private agents contracted for services as part of a conference or other major campus event are also expected to submit proof of liability insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance. This insurance must indicate that Yale University is named as an additional insured. Further details about insurance coverage or requirements can be obtained from the Office of Enterprise Risk Management, 2 Whitney Avenue, 6th floor, or from its website, Office of Enterprise Risk Management website.

Auto Insurance. Students driving University-owned vehicles, or rented vehicles paid for by University funds, and being driven for official registered organization activity, are covered by the University’s automobile insurance policy, if the drivers have a clean driving record and have taken and passed the online training course offered by the Office of Enterprise Risk Management. There is no insurance provided for any driver who has not passed this class; students who have not passed it should not be driving any University-owned or rented vehicle. Details on Driver Safety Awareness can be found at http://ogc.yale.edu/training-courses. In the event of an accident, the registered organization will be expected to cover any applicable deductibles.

Students driving their own automobiles for group activities must have a clean driving record and be properly insured, and the vehicle must be properly maintained. The use of twelve- or fifteen-passenger vans is prohibited.

K. Outside Vendors and Contracts

Contracts. Contracts between individual students or student organizations and outside vendors/contractors must be reviewed and signed by Yale’s Procurement Office. Ordinarily, student organizations may not sign contracts, unless said organization has incorporated as a nonprofit with the IRS. Students seeking their contracts to be signed should email student.organizations@yale.edu.

Outside venders. All vendors hired by registered organizations (including, but not limited to, performers, caterers, and equipment rental companies) must provide proof of $2 million in liability insurance prior to performing any work or providing any service. Yale University must be named as an additional insured. The Office of Enterprise Risk Management can recommend a method of obtaining the proper insurance if an outside vendor does not carry it. Details can be found at http://ogc.yale.edu/erm/resources/registered-student-organizations.

L. Additional Regulations

Certain organizations have additional guidelines or legal requirements.

Musical Ensembles, Singing Groups, and Theater Groups. Undergraduate organizations using sheet music, scores, or scripts should be aware of federal copyright laws, including laws governing photocopying.

Publications. Each issue of every publication of an undergraduate organization must include a publication notice on the cover page or the page containing the table of contents stating that “This magazine”—or “periodical” or “newspaper,” as the case may be—“is published by Yale College students, and Yale University is not responsible for its contents.” For online publications, this notice must be prominently displayed on the organization’s home page and on each discrete publication. 

In keeping with the requirement that administrative, policy, and managerial decisions are to be in the hands of undergraduates, decisions about the contents of each periodical, the editorial policy, and the business policies and practices are to be controlled by enrolled Yale College students.

Distinguished Visitors and Controversial Speakers. To ensure appropriate courtesies are extended to distinguished visitors, and in some cases to arrange other engagements or security for these visitors when they are on campus, an undergraduate organization that wishes to invite a head of state (past or present), cabinet member, ambassador, or other dignitary of similar rank to visit Yale must, at least a month in advance of the visitor’s arrival, inform the Yale College Dean's Office, by registering the event in Yale Connect through their group’s page.

Similarly, the Yale College Dean's Office must be notified, via Yale Connect event registration, when controversial speakers are invited to Yale. Such speakers include those who have engendered protests or public demonstrations in other venues. Undergraduates are responsible for paying for security that the University deems appropriate for such visitors, and as a result, groups are encouraged to seek funding from non-University sources to pay such expenses. The University reserves the right to cancel the invitation to any speaker if it deems that there is inadequate time to prepare for the event.

Travel Abroad. Members of undergraduate organizations planning to go abroad must register their trip in Yale Connect. Through registration members will be given links to the Yale International Toolkit for information about health and safety abroad, travel warnings issued by the U.S. Department of State for specific countries or regions, and steps to be taken prior to travel.

Undergraduate organizations are additionally required to register their travel at http://world-toolkit.yale.edu/yale-travel-registry-instructions

  • Visa requirements for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. may be different from those pertaining to U.S. citizens.
  • International students may be responsible for obtaining such visas on their own.

Events Involving Minors. Undergraduate organizations organizing or participating in activities that involve minors must register with Yale Programs for Children and Youth (http://programs-minors.yale.edu/program-registration-form). Additionally, such organizations are charged with following all of Yale’s policies and procedures for Programs for Children and Youth (http://programs-minors.yale.edu/).