Dutch (DUTC)
* DUTC 110a, Elementary Dutch I Staff
The basic grammar of Dutch. Intensive practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday contexts. Introduction to the society and culture of the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium). Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment is limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L1 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 4:10pm-6pm
* DUTC 120b, Elementary Dutch II Staff
Continuation of DUTC 110, with a focus on improving the four language skills. Further study of Dutch grammar and vocabulary through a variety of media, including television and radio. The society, culture, and habits of Dutch-speaking peoples in the Netherlands and Belgium. DUTC 110 or equivalent. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L2 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 4:10pm-6pm
* DUTC 130a, Intermediate Dutch I Staff
Continued development of reading, writing, and speaking proficiency in Dutch. Students review and improve grammar skills, expand their vocabulary, read newspaper articles, and watch and listen to Dutch newscasts. Prerequisite: DUTC 120 or equivalent. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L3 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 6:10pm-8pm
DUTC 140b, Intermediate Dutch II Staff
Use of authentic Dutch texts to expand proficiency in the language and familiarity with the culture. Focus on Dutch cultural themes that reflect students' interests and fields of study. Readings include a novel and news articles on current events. Prerequisite: DUTC 130. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L4 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 6:10pm-8pm
* DUTC 150a, Advanced Dutch Staff
Continuation of DUTC 140. Focus on improvement of grammatical knowledge; proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking Dutch; and cultural insight and knowledge of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Prerequisite: DUTC 140 or equivalent. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L5 RP
TTh 1:15pm-2:30pm
* DUTC 160b, Advanced Dutch II Staff
Continuation of DUTC 150. Focus on improvement of grammatical knowledge; proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking Dutch; and cultural insight and knowledge of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Prerequisite: DUTC 150 or equivalent. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail david.ortega@yale.edu for more information. L5
TTh 1:15pm-2:30pm