Education Studies (EDST)

* EDST 065a / HUMS 065a, Education and the Life Worth LivingMatthew Croasmun

Consideration of education and what it has to do with real life—not just any life, but a life worth living. Engagement with three visions of different traditions of imagining the good life and of imagining education: Confucianism, Christianity, and Modernism. Students will be asked to challenge the fundamental question of the good life and to put that question at the heart of their college education. Enrollment limited to first-year students.   HU
MW 9am-10:15am

* EDST 107b / MB&B 107b / PHYS 107b, Being Human in STEMAndrew Miranker

A collaboratively designed, project-oriented course that seeks to examine, understand, and disseminate how diversity of gender, race, religion, sexuality, economic circumstances, etc. shape the STEM experience at Yale and nationally, and that seeks to formulate and implement solutions to issues that are identified. Study of relevant peer-reviewed literature and popular-press articles. OpEd writing project and design and implementation of an intervention project focusing on improving belonging in Yale STEM communities.  SO
MW 1pm-2:15pm

EDST 110a / AMST 115a / SOCY 112a, Foundations in Education StudiesStaff

Introduction to key issues and debates in the U.S. public education system. Focus on the nexus of education practice, policy, and research. Social, scientific, economic, and political forces that shape approaches to schooling and education reform. Theoretical and practical perspectives from practitioners, policymakers, and scholars.  SO0 Course cr

* EDST 125a / CHLD 125a / PSYC 125a, Child DevelopmentAnn Close and Carla Horwitz

This course is first in a sequence including Theory and Practice of Early Childhood Education (CHLD127/PSYCH 127/EDST 127) and Language Literacy and Play (CHLD 128/PSYCH 128/EDST 128). This course provides students a theoretical base in child development and behavior and tools to sensitively and carefully observer infants and young children. The seminar will consider aspects of cognitive, social, and emotional development. An assumption of this course is that it is not possible to understand children – their behavior and development—without understanding their families and culture and the relationships between children and parents. The course will give an overview of the major theories in the field, focusing on the complex interaction between the developing self and the environment, exploring current research and theory as well as practice. Students will have the opportunity to see how programs for young children use psychodynamic and interactional theories to inform the development of their philosophy and curriculum. Weekly Observations:-Total Time Commitment 3 hours per week. Students will do two separate weekly observations over the course of the semester. They will observe in a group setting for 2 hours each each week at a Yale affiliated child care center.  Students will also arrange to do a weekly 1 hour observation (either in person or virtually) of a child under the age of 6. Students must make their own arrangements for these individual observations. If it is not possible to arrange a child to observe, please do not apply to take this course. For a portion of class meetings, the class will divide into small supervisory discussion groups. Priority given to juniors, seniors, Ed Study students.  WR, SO
W 1:30pm-2:45pm

* EDST 127b / CHLD 127b / PSYC 127b, Theory and Practice of Early Childhood EducationCarla Horwitz

The course deals with development and delivery of curricula for young children ages 3-6 and the current context of educational reform and debate. Goals are to deepen insights through critical analysis of educational programs for young children in light of current research and developmental theory and to understand how political context contributes to the practice of education. Regularly scheduled seminar discussions and workshops that engage students with learning materials emphasize the ongoing dynamic process of developing emergent curriculum and focus on methods of creating a responsive, inclusive environment; planning and assessment; appreciating cultural and linguistic diversity; teachers’ roles; anti-bias education; working with families; conceptualizing the professional challenges of collaborating on a teaching team within the organization of the school; standards and accountability and the role of policy and advocacy in educational change. The course will use newspaper and magazine articles and other recent media as primary sources in addition to current research and other texts. Students must arrange to do a weekly one-hour observation (in-person or virtually) of a child under age 6 and an additional 2 hour in-person classroom observation at Calvin Hill Day Care Center. Total observation time commitment is 3 hours per week. CHLD 125 is recommended. Permission of instructor is required. Priority given to juniors, seniors, and Ed Study students.  WR, SORP
T 2:30pm-4:20pm

* EDST 128b / CHLD 128b / PSYC 128b, Language, Literacy, and PlayAnn Close and Carla Horwitz

The focus of this course will be to demonstrate the complicated role that play has in the development of language and literacy skills. A major part of each topic presentation will be a discussion of the role that play has in the curriculum in enhancing these developmental areas. There is a widespread consensus that play is an essential component of a developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum. Research indicates that play enhances a child’s creativity, intellectual development and social emotional development. Because learning to play, learning language and learning literacy skills are all part of the process of thinking and communication, the course will provide a view which attempts to demonstrate the integration of language, literacy and play in an early childhood education curriculum. Theoretical aspects of each of these developmental areas will be examined first, and it will be that theoretical understanding which will be the basis upon which ideas about curriculum will be explored, experienced and discussed. Students must arrange to do a weekly one-hour observation (in-person or virtually) of a child under age 6 and an additional 2 hour in-person classroom observation at Calvin Hill Day Care Center. Total observation time commitment is 3 hours per week. Permission of instructor. Enrollment priority will be given to juniors, seniors, and education study scholars.  WR, SORP
W 9:25am-11:15am

EDST 140a / PSYC 140a, Developmental PsychologyJulia Leonard

An introduction to research and theory on the development of perception, action, emotion, personality, language, and cognition from a cognitive science perspective. Focus on birth to adolescence in humans and other species. Prerequisite: PSYC 110.  SO
MW 9am-10:15am

EDST 144a / ER&M 211a / EVST 144a / SOCY 144a, Race, Ethnicity, and ImmigrationStaff

Exploration of sociological studies and theoretical and empirical analyses of race, ethnicity, and immigration, with focus on race relations and racial and ethnic differences in outcomes in contemporary U.S. society (post-1960s). Study of the patterns of educational and labor market outcomes, incarceration, and family formation of whites, blacks (African Americans), Hispanics, and Asian Americans in the United States, as well as immigration patterns and how they affect race and ethnic relations.  SO0 Course cr

EDST 160a / PSYC 150a, Social PsychologyMaria Gendron

Theories, methodology, and applications of social psychology. Core topics include the self, social cognition/social perception, attitudes and persuasion, group processes, conformity, human conflict and aggression, prejudice, prosocial behavior, and emotion.  SO
MW 11:35am-12:50pm

EDST 201b / ECON 210b, Economics of EducationDaniela Morar

Application of basic economic concepts and empirical methods to the analysis of education. Topics include the economic return to secondary and postsecondary education, the quality of elementary and secondary education, the market for teachers, inequality in education attainment, and school choice. Prerequisites: ECON 108, 110, or 115. A prior course in statistics or econometrics is helpful but not required.  SO
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm

* EDST 205b, Principles of Effective Teaching in the Secondary ClassroomMelissa Scheve

Children across America spend roughly 12,000 hours in school from kindergarten through grade 12. How those instructional hours are spent dramatically impacts students’ academic and personal well-being. Many studies have demonstrated that teacher quality matters to students’ long-term outcomes including graduation and job placement. In this course, we delve into the essential principles of being an effective teacher, focusing specifically on the U.S. secondary classroom. Building community, designing culturally sustaining curriculum, teaching inclusively, and assessing students authentically are a handful of the principles we explore together through articles about teacher practice, video examples of classroom practice, and students opportunity to enact some of these practices during class. Each student is paired with a current secondary public school teacher across America to engage in a case study of effective teaching throughout the seminar. By the end of this course, you learn some core principles of effective teaching, gain an understanding of the complexities of enacting effective teaching practices given educational inequities, conduct a case study about effective teaching, and practice some aspects of secondary teaching.  EDST 110 is recommended. Preference given to Education Studies Scholars and juniors and seniors interested in post-graduate careers in teaching.  SO
W 3:30pm-5:20pm

* EDST 209b / AFAM 239b / AMST 461b / ER&M 292b / WGSS 202b, Identity, Diversity, and Policy in U.S. EducationCraig Canfield

Introduction to critical theory (feminism, queer theory, critical race theory, disability studies, trans studies, indigenous studies) as a fundamental tool for understanding and critiquing identity, diversity, and policy in U.S. education. Exploration of identity politics and theory, as they figure in education policy. Methods for applying theory and interventions to interrogate issues in education. Application of theory and interventions to policy creation and reform.  WR, HU
M 3:30pm-5:20pm

* EDST 225b, Child Care, Society, and Public PolicyJessica Sager and Janna Wagner

Exploration of societal decisions about where children under the age of five spend their days. Topics include where young children belong; how to regulate, pay for, and support child care arrangements; consideration of gender, race, and family finances; and the profound impact of these decisions on the well-being of children, families, and the economy. Assignments draw heavily on student insights and reflections. Preference in enrollment will go to students who have taken EDST 110, with Education Studies Scholars receiving priority.  SO
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 230b, American Education and the LawWilliam Garfinkel

Interactions between American elementary and secondary school education and the American legal system, with a focus on historical and contemporary case law. The relationship between schooling and the state; constitutional, statutory, and regulatory law governing the rights and responsibilities of educators, students, and parents; equal educational opportunity. Recommended preparation: EDST 110. Preference to Education Studies Scholars.  SO
T 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 232a / PLSC 232a, US Federal Education PolicyEleanor Schiff

Though education policy is typically viewed as a state and local issue, the federal government has taken a significant role in shaping policy since the end of World War II. The centralization of education policy has corresponded with changing views in society for what constitutes an equitable educational opportunity. This class is divided into three topics: 1) the federal role in education broadly (K-12) and the accountability movement in K-12: from the No Child Left Behind Act to the Common Core State Standards (and cross-national comparisons to US schools), 2) federal role in higher education, and 3) the education industry (teachers unions and think tanks). EDST 110 recommended.  SO
T 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 235a / WGSS 239a, Education and the Culture WarsTalya Zemach-Bersin

Examination of the historical development and politics of the “culture wars” with a focus on how battles over the “soul of America” have focused on the American education system. Conflict over "American values” issues like abortion, gay marriage, and religion are compounded by legal battles over federal funding and school choice. Study of interdisciplinary readings from law, politics, history, and cultural studies. Preference for enrollment will be given to Education Studies Scholars.
T 3:30pm-5:20pm

EDST 237a / LING 217a / PSYC 317a, Language and MindMaria Pinango

The structure of linguistic knowledge and how it is used during communication. The principles that guide the acquisition of this system by children learning their first language, by children learning language in unusual circumstances (heritage speakers, sign languages) and adults learning a second language, bilingual speakers. The processing of language in real-time. Psychological traits that impact language learning and language use.   SORP0 Course cr
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm

* EDST 261b, Colloquium: Readings in Education StudiesTalya Zemach-Bersin

This colloquium, required for all newly admitted YES Scholars, supplements the curriculum by introducing scholars to a range of topics, methods and approaches to education studies, acquainting them with the expertise and contributions of faculty teaching in the YES program and their fellow students, and providing them with opportunities for leadership, reflection, and collaboration. While building a cohort community, students will read key texts in the field of education studies and participate in research methods trainings. Assignments include weekly readings, an ongoing class blog, leading class convenings, research methods training, and collaborative final projects. Prerequisites: EDST 110 and acceptance into the Education Studies MAP.
W 7pm-8:50pm

* EDST 263a / AFAM 261a / AMST 263a, Place, Race, and Memory in SchoolsErrol Saunders

As places, schools both shape and are profoundly shaped by the built environment and the breathed, braved, and believed everyday experiences of the people that interact with them. That everyday environment is just as grounded in the past as it is in the present. Teachers, administrators, students, and parents are impacted by the racialized narratives about the past that groups and individuals take up to explain the bygone, justify the present, and to move them to action for the future. These individual and collective memories of who and where they are, and the traumas, successes, failures, and accomplishments that they have with regard to school and education are essential to understanding how schools and school reforms work.  Given the weight that narratives of social mobility in the United States place upon education, there is profound interest in the roles that schools play in perpetuating racial disparities in American society and the opportunities that education writ large might provide for remedying them. Grounded in four different geographies, this course examines how the interrelationships of place, race, and memory are implicated in reforms of preK-12 schools in the United States. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach to study these phenomena, borrowing from commensurate frameworks in sociology, anthropology, political science, and memory studies with the goal of examining multiple angles and perspectives on a given issue. EDST 110 recommended.  SO
W 3:30pm-5:20pm

* EDST 270b / AMST 447b / ER&M 367b, Contemporary Native American K-12 and Postsecondary Educational PolicyMira Debs

This course will explore current Native American educational policy issues, programming, funding, and success. Native American representation in policy conversations is often incomplete, complicated, or relegated to an asterisk resulting in a lack of resources, awareness, and visibility in educational policy. This course examines the challenges and issues related to Native education; however, the impetus of this course centers on the resiliency, strength, and imagination of Native American students and communities to redefine and achieve success in a complex and often unfamiliar educational environment. EDST 110 recommended  SO
W 9:25am-11:15am

EDST 271b / AFAM 146b / ECON 171b, Urban Inequalities and Educational InequalityGerald Jaynes

Analysis of contemporary policy problems related to academic under performance in lower income urban schools and the concomitant achievement gaps among various racial and ethnic groups in United States K-12 education. Historical review of opportunity inequalities and policy solutions proposed to ameliorate differences in achievement and job readiness. Students benefit from practical experience and interdisciplinary methods, including a lab component with time spent in a New Haven high school.  Prerequisites: Any course offered by Education Studies, or one course in history or any social science, either: Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.  EDST 110 is preferred, although not required.  SO
TTh 10:30am-11:20am

* EDST 274b, College in PrisonZelda Roland

The history, present, and future of higher education in prison seen through the perspective of practitioners, students, alumni, faculty, theorists, and higher ed policymakers. Topics include: prison education and abolition; liberal arts in prison; the history of higher education in the U.S.; the 1994 Pell grant ban for incarcerated students and the coming restoration of Pell access; citizenship and education; town-gown relationships, reparations, and higher education; the idea of criminality and the idea of studenthood; and the history of the Yale student body.  EDST 110 recommended.
T 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 281a / HIST 404a / HUMS 303a / PLSC 281a, What is the University?Mordechai Levy-Eichel

The University is one of the most influential—and underexamined—kinds of corporations in the modern world. It is responsible both for mass higher education and for elite training. It aims to produce and disseminate knowledge, and to prepare graduates for work in all different kinds of fields. It functions both as a symbol and repository of learning, if not ideally wisdom, and functions as one of the most important sites of networking, patronage, and socialization today. It is, in short, one of the most alluring and abused institutions in our culture today, often idolized as a savior or a scapegoat. And while the first universities were not founded in the service of research, today’s most prestigious schools claim to be centrally dedicated to it. But what is research? Where does our notion of research and the supposed ability to routinely produce it come from? This seminar is a high-level historical and structural examination of the rise of the research university. We cover both the origins and the modern practices of the university, from the late medieval world to the modern day, with an eye toward critically examining the development of the customs, practices, culture, and work around us, and with a strong comparative perspective. Topics include: tenure, endowments, the committee system, the growth of degrees, the aims of research, peer-review, the nature of disciplinary divisions, as well as a host of other issues.  HU, SO
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 282b / PLSC 417b, Comparative International EducationMira Debs

Around the world, education is one of the central institutions of society, developing the next generation of citizens, workers and individuals. How do countries balance these competing priorities? In which ways do countries converge on policies, or develop novel approaches to education? Through the course, students learn the a) impact of colonialism on contemporary education systems, b) the competing tensions of the demands of citizen and worker and c) how a variety of educational policies are impacted around the world and their impact on diverse populations of students. EDST 110 Foundations in Education Studies recommended.  WR, SO
M 1:30pm-3:20pm

* EDST 285b, Educational Design: The Form and Function of Schooling and LearningRichard Lemons

This course explores the physical, chronological, structural, and curricular design of schools and classrooms that impact the educational community and the development of students. Using organizational theory and design thinking, students learn how to help schools better align to the learning needs of students. This course is especially ideal for students interested in founding their own schools or educational organizations. Prerequisite: EDST 110 is recommended.  SO
W 7pm-8:50pm

* EDST 290a, Leadership, Change, and Improvement in EducationRichard Lemons

Analysis of the most significant challenges faced by the United States educational system, drawing upon research from a range of academic disciplines to understand how schools and districts operate and why certain educational challenges persist, sometimes over multiple generations of students. Students will study successful educational improvement efforts to better understand the political and organizational strategies necessary to improve student experiences and outcomes at scale, as well as the leadership practices necessary to successfully implement and sustain such strategies. Preference given to Education Studies Scholars or others who have taken EDST 110.  SO
W 7pm-8:50pm

* EDST 350b / CHLD 350b / PSYC 350b, Autism and Related DisordersMariana Torres-Viso, Kelly Powell, and James McPartland

Weekly seminar focusing on autism and related disorders of socialization. A series of lectures on topics in etiology, diagnosis and assessment, treatment and advocacy, and social neuroscience methods; topics cover infancy through adulthood. Supervised experience in the form of placement in a school, residence, or treatment setting for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Details about admission to the course are explained at the first course meeting. Prerequisite: an introductory psychology course.  SO
T 3:30pm-5pm

* EDST 361a / THST 361a, Production Seminar: Theater in EducationNathan Roberts and Deborah Margolin

Centering on the creation of a new production of Aurand Harris's Arkansaw Bear, this studio course will explore foundational Theatre in Education (TIE) theories and methods to bring performance and enrichment materials to New Haven area school children. Open to all majors, with opportunities for students to engage as performers (actors, acrobats, musicians) and designers, and to explore dramaturgy and production logistics through a small-scale educational tour, in conversation with regional leaders in the field.  HU
MW 1:30pm-3:20pm

EDST 388a / AFST 388a / ANTH 398a, Anthropology of EducationStaff

This course explores how the insights and concepts of social anthropology contribute to improved understanding of educational theory and practice in multicultural settings. The course draws on ethnographic approaches to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between personhood, learning, and the centrality of culture within various educational contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. It illustrates the realities of what it means to be growing up and living in multicultural and multilingual African nations. Students are encouraged to think critically about the potential benefits and challenges of applying the discourses, models, and systems of Western education as a means of "development." Assigned readings will help critically examine traditional categories such as 'gender,' 'class,' 'race,' 'kinship,' 'religion,' and 'nation.' Class discussions acknowledge the intricate interplay of these categories in the context of contemporary experiences of migration. By end of the course, students develop a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics shaping educational systems and intercultural relations in Africa and beyond. Ultimate aim is to equip students with the confidence and cultural sensitivity necessary for making informed comparisons of teaching and learning practices within a global context.  SO
W 1pm-2:50pm

* EDST 400a, Senior Capstone (Fall)Talya Zemach-Bersin

The first course in the yearlong sequence, followed by EDST 410/EDST 490 preparing students for a thesis-equivalent capstone project and overview of education studies methodologies and practical research design.  Prerequisites: EDST 110 and two Education Studies electives. Enrollment limited to senior Education Studies Scholars.
T 9:25am-11:15am

* EDST 410b, Senior Capstone (Spring)Talya Zemach-Bersin

The second course in the yearlong Education Studies Scholars capstone sequence where students conduct a rigorous project on a topic of their choice in education research, policy, and/or practice.  Enrollment limited to senior Education Studies Scholars.
T 9:25am-11:15am