Ethnicity, Race, & Migration (ER&M)
* ER&M 039a / AMST 039a / ENGL 039a, Latinx Literature Aside the Law Joseph Miranda
How has Latinx identity emerged through and against the law? From the suspension of Puerto Rican sovereignty to the contemporary proliferation of ethnic studies bans, the state has used the law to delimit Latinx to transparent or static categories of irregular “citizen,” “refugee,” and “migrant.” If conventional thinking assumes that art only responds to the law in protest or affirmation of the status quo, this seminar introduces students to the ways Latinx literature engages, resists, and disidentifies with the law as it delineates national belonging. We ask how do Latinx creative expressions expand the notions of citizenship, nation, and family beyond their raced, classed, and gendered origins to imagine new futures. Through attention to contemporary tv, film, novels, and poetry, we examine how Latinx artists build alternative forms of thriving collective life in forms of mutual aid, queer kinship, party, and protest. Works up for discussion include those by Justin Torres, Raquel Salas Rivera, and the television show Vida. Drawing inspiration from these texts, students collaborate on podcasts, write analytical essays, and complete other critical and creative projects. Enrollment limited to first-year students. WR, HU
MW 11:35am-12:50pm
* ER&M 081a / MUSI 081a / SOCY 081a, Race and Place in British New Wave, K-Pop, and Beyond Grace Kao
This seminar introduces you to several popular musical genres and explores how they are tied to racial, regional, and national identities. We examine how music is exported via migrants, return migrants, industry professionals, and the nation-state (in the case of Korean Popular Music, or K-Pop). Readings and discussions focus primarily on the British New Wave (from about 1979 to 1985) and K-Pop (1992-present), but we also discuss first-wave reggae, ska, rocksteady from the 1960s-70s, British and American punk rock music (1970s-1980s), the precursors of modern K-Pop, and have a brief discussion of Japanese City Pop. The class focuses mainly on the British New Wave and K-Pop because these two genres of popular music have strong ties to particular geographic areas, but they became or have become extremely popular in other parts of the world. We also investigate the importance of music videos in the development of these genres. Enrollment limited to first year students. SO
MW 4pm-5:15pm
* ER&M 089a / AMST 099a / HIST 059a / PHYS 047a, Asian Americans and STEM Eun-Joo Ahn
As both objects of study and agents of discovery, Asian Americans have played an important yet often unseen role in fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in the U.S. Now more than ever, there is a need to rethink and educate students on science’s role in society and its interface with society. This course unites the humanities fields of Asian American history and American Studies with the STEM fields of medicine, physics, and computer science to explore the ways in which scientific practice has been shaped by U.S. histories of imperialism and colonialism, migration and racial exclusion, domestic and international labor and economics, and war. The course also explores the scientific research undertaken in these fields and delves into key scientific principles and concepts to understand the impact of such work on the lives of Asians and Asian Americans, and how the migration of people may have impacted the migration of ideas and scientific progress. Using case students, students engage with fundamental scientific concepts in these fields. They explore key roles Asians and Asian Americans had in the development in science and technology in the United States and around the world as well as the impact of state policies regarding the migration of technical labor and the concerns over brain drains. Students also examine diversity and inclusion in the context of the experiences of Asians and Asian Americans in STEM. Enrollment limited to first-year students. HU, SC
TTh 9am-10:15am
* ER&M 150a, Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and the U.S. Empire Ximena Lopez Carrillo
This course examines the history of Mexicans and Mexican Americans at the U.S.-Mexico border and their important contributions to U.S. politics and culture, from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to the present. By looking at specific historical case studies, students learn about the impact of U.S. imperial and migratory policies on border life, the tensions and solidarity bonds between Mexicans and Mexican Americans, the formation of a hybrid Mexican American culture, and the long history of popular resistance and activism. As students learn about this history, they reflect on the politics behind our historical memory surrounding Mexicans and Mexican Americans, and the newest methodological proposals to recover their history. HU, SO
TTh 9am-10:15am
ER&M 154a / FILM 154a / LAST 154a / PORT 154a / WGSS 154a, Advanced Studies: Women Filmmakers and Photographers of the Portuguese-Speaking World Giseli Tordin
Women Filmmakers and Photographers of the Portuguese-Speaking World is a Portuguese advanced course that delves into the language and culture of the Lusophone world through the lens of women filmmakers and photographers. Organized into three interconnected units, namely, "Diasporas and (De)Territorialities", "Memories They Told Me", and "Reframing Other Existences", students explore how these authors bring forth other perspectives, including those of indigenous people, Afro-Lusophone women, immigrants, and LGBTQIA+ community, among others, challenging societal norms and dominant portrayals. It also explores how their films and photographs reconnect with cultural roots in Africa and Latin America, fragmented by patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. By exploring a variety of productions by photographers like Yassmin Forte, Madalena Schwartz, Claudia Andujar, and filmmakers like Anna Muylaert, Carolina Paiva, and Lúcia Murat, among others, students investigate links between identities, memory, and language, enabling them to describe, interpret and make inferences about how cultural environments have been historically constructed and how these artistic productions reshape perceptions of our societies. By the course's end, students have a deeper understanding of the Portuguese language and diverse cultural aspects within the Lusophone world. Conducted in Portuguese. Portuguese 140 or equivalent. L5, HU
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
ER&M 200a, Introduction to Ethnicity, Race, and Migration Staff
Historical roots of contemporary ethnic and racial formations and competing theories of ethnicity, race, and migration. Cultural constructions and social practices of race, ethnicity, and migration in the United States and around the world. HU, SO 0 Course cr
* ER&M 207a / LING 107a, Language Endangerment and Revitalization Edwin Ko
Introduction to language endangerment and language revitalization. This course explores a range of theories and practices that provide the basis by which linguists and language activists aim to revitalize endangered languages in communities around the world. Beginning with surveying the various ways in which the world’s linguistic diversity and language ecologies can be assessed and discussing the serious threats to that diversity, why this might be a matter of concern, and the principle of linguistic human rights, the course will narrow toward individual student projects to investigate a minority language in some depth and report on its status with respect to the range of issues discussed in class. WR, SO
MW 2:30pm-3:45pm
ER&M 211a / EDST 144a / EVST 144a / SOCY 144a, Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Staff
Exploration of sociological studies and theoretical and empirical analyses of race, ethnicity, and immigration, with focus on race relations and racial and ethnic differences in outcomes in contemporary U.S. society (post-1960s). Study of the patterns of educational and labor market outcomes, incarceration, and family formation of whites, blacks (African Americans), Hispanics, and Asian Americans in the United States, as well as immigration patterns and how they affect race and ethnic relations. SO 0 Course cr
ER&M 219a / HIST 219a / JDST 200a / MMES 149a / RLST 148a, Jews and the World: From the Bible through Early Modern Times Ivan Marcus
A broad introduction to the history of the Jews from biblical beginnings until the European Reformation and the Ottoman Empire. Focus on the formative period of classical rabbinic Judaism and on the symbiotic relationships among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jewish society and culture in its biblical, rabbinic, and medieval settings. Counts toward either European or non-Western distributional credit within the History major, upon application to the director of undergraduate studies. HU RP 0 Course cr
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
* ER&M 229a / AMST 369a, Marxism and Social Movements in the Twentieth Century Michael Denning
The history of Marxism and its relation to the labor, feminist, and anticolonial social movements since the great upheavals of 1919. Topics include the Leninisms of the Communist movement, the anticolonial Marxisms of national liberation struggles, the cultural and intellectual trajectory of Western Marxism, the New Left, and contemporary global justice movements. HU
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 236a / ITAL 337a / LITR 395a / WGSS 364a, Feminism without Women: Modernist and Postcolonial Textual Experiments Serena Bassi
Antifeminist critics charge the feminist movement with having forgotten “real women'' in favor of inaccessible theories rejecting the supposedly incontrovertible fact that there are only two sexes and genders. This seminar turns the charge on its head by exploring a theoretical and literary canon that - by questioning the ontological status of the male/female binary - has transformed feminism into a capacious, radically inclusive, revolutionary 21st Century movement. The texts and the theories that we discuss put pressure on the very category of “woman” as they strive to rethink feminism as a non-identitarian world-making project. The class focuses on two movements that employ art and literature to push back against the idea of “women” as the monolithic subject of feminism: Italian vanguard modernism and Italophone literary postcolonialism. We discuss modernist and postcolonial novels, poems, essays, and performative art pieces together with classics of feminist, queer and postcolonial theory. We push our own political imagination further by asking ever more sophisticated questions about gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, and the way these intersecting social formations mediate the way we see, experience, and represent our material and social reality. The course is taught entirely in English. No previous knowledge of Italian language, art, or literature required. Students seeking departmental credit for Italian do their writing and reading in the original language, and attend a discussion session in Italian. HU
W 9:25am-11:15am
ER&M 241b / ANTH 140b / SOCY 138b, The Corporation Douglas Rogers
Survey of the rise, diversity, and power of the capitalist corporation in global contexts, with a focus on the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics include: the corporation as legal entity and the social and cultural consequences of this status; corporations in the colonial era; relationships among corporations, states, and non-governmental organizations in Western and non-Western contexts; anti-corporate critique and response; corporate social responsibility; and race, gender, and indigeneity. HU, SO 0 Course cr
MW 10:30am-11:20am
ER&M 243b / AMST 234b / HIST 188b / RLST 342b, Spiritual But Not Religious Staff
Study of the historical and contemporary “unchurching” trends in American religious life in a comparative perspective and across different scales of analysis in order to think about the relationship between spirituality, formal religion, secular psychology and the self-help industry. HU, SO 0 Course cr
* ER&M 252a / AFAM 345a / AFST 363a / SPAN 360a, Our Guinea: Locating Africa in Early Iberian Archives Alexandra Cook
African coastlines were the first horizons of Iberian imperial expansion into the Atlantic, and eventually, the world. While the worlds made by Africans displaced by the slave trade and their descendants have received extensive attention in recent years, Africa itself rarely enters the frame. The histories that unfolded on the continent in many ways challenge our understandings of Spanish and Portuguese expansion and colonialism, shaped as they are by the “New World” paradigm of conquest and conversion. Were African societies part of the “New World” or the “Old World”? In this course we study an often-overlooked domain of Spanish and Portuguese imperialism and commerce from an approach that includes but does not limit itself to the study of slavery and enslaved Africans in the Americas. We read a selection of primary texts from the early modern Ibero-African archive, with a focus on texts produced about the African continent and Africans (and when possible, by Africans) in Spanish, and to a lesser extent Portuguese, seeking (1) to challenge existing narratives and frameworks for the study of precolonial Africa, but also (2) to see what kinds of African worlds appear when we set aside our assumptions and generalizations. L5, HU Tr
MW 4pm-5:15pm
* ER&M 258b / AMST 258b / EVST 258b / WGSS 258b, Wilderness in the North American Imagination: What Was the Wild? Dolma Ombadykow
This course examines the history of natural science, with a particular attention to nineteenth and early-twentieth century colonial understandings of the wild, the civil, the self, and the other. The wild—whether the American West, the Gobi Desert, or the Amazon River—conjures visions of a place set apart by space, but also by time. In the western imagination, the wild is a decidedly historical—perhaps even prehistoric—place. Does the wild still exist, and what might the wild of the future look like? Centering critique from Black studies, Indigenous studies, gender and sexuality studies, critical race studies, and science and technology studies, this course asks: how have institutions like museums, zoos, the military, governments, and NGOs shaped our understandings of who, what, and when counts as wild? This course encourages students to think against dominant narrations of agriculture, conservation, natural resource extraction, tourism, and the promises of global commerce to attend to alternative formations of the natural. What roles do race, gender, sexuality, labor, and class play in our understandings of the wilderness? What does it mean for the wild to be populated, engineered, manicured, curated, or preserved? Each week, students will open class by introducing us to a place or a concept that pushes at the conceptual limits of the wild. Examples may be places or experiences of personal importance, like the family fish camp or an ancestral homeland, but equally permitted are explorations of, as examples, the rats of the New York City subway, the 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill, metastatic cancer, or microplastics. HU
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 268b / ENGL 4831b, What was Latinx Literature Joseph Miranda
With the arrival of “Latinx,” the last decade was defined as a moment of rupture and break with traditional notions of latinidad. Artists and activists asserted refusal and historical reckoning as the mode of doing politics and aesthetics. Now, pessimistic about Latinx as a signifier of a unified political project, the generational tides have shifted to “Latine.” This seminar asks what is “Latinx literature” and why are the methods of “Latinx studies” considered revolutionary or disruptive? What ideas were rooted in prior generations of feminist and queer collectives that sustained life when the arrival of a decolonial future seemed forever deferred and withheld from reach? We examine contemporary artists alongside historical antecedents to reevaluate what literary and social forms can help us challenge a racialized, heteronormative conception of citizenship. One possibility is that Gloria Anzaldúa—rightly critiqued for her relation to mestizaje —might be helpful in this moment of growing nationalism and hostility towards migrants to think about other ways of organizing life aside borders and the nation. We read across a long and varied arc of creative expression to consider forms that endure amidst colonial duress. For example: the serial, montage, anthology, performance collective, and inter-linked storytelling. Artists up for discussion may include Natalie Diaz, John Rechy, and Jesús Colón. Students will engage these works alongside theorists like José Esteban Muñoz and Juana María Rodríguez. Previously ENGL 331. WR, HU
* ER&M 269a, Embodied Methods: Lessons in Praxis from Women of Color Alison Kibbe
Understanding ethnic studies, black studies, and gender studies as necessarily anti-disciplinary practices, this course explores modes of research that embrace the body as a tool, a way of knowing, and a method for cutting across the silos and boundaries that academic disciplines impose. We explore various forms of embodied research praxis, including performance ethnography, food studies, oral history, dance, and other boundary-crossing methods. Centering the approaches of women of color researchers, artists, and practitioners who have, we ask, what is the role of the body and embodied knowledge in relationship to written scholarship? How do embodied approaches contribute to our work about migration, mobility, social movements, race, class, gender, sexuality, and their intersections? The class involves movement and embodiment practices during every session, both instructor and student-led. Students should be willing to participate and experiment with various forms. Students should anticipate a holistic experience that requires an openness to physical activity (accessible to all) as one of our primary tools for both analyzing course materials and constructing our own boundary-crossing projects. HU
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
* ER&M 272b / AFAM 362b / FREN 262b / GLBL 272b / HIST 223b, Black France Marlene Daut
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the complex history of Black France, tracing its roots from the era of French colonization in the Caribbean and the transatlantic slave trade to its contemporary manifestations across France and its overseas territories. Beginning with an examination of French colonialism in the Caribbean, particularly focusing on the brutal system of slavery and the development of the Code Noir under the reign of Louis XIV, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the origins of race-thinking in France. Students also read about the pivotal role of French colonies like Saint-Domingue, Martinique, and Guadéloupe in the resistance against slavery, highlighting the Haitian Revolution as a watershed moment in the struggle for freedom and self-determination. Through the lens of this historic event, students analyze the complexities of slave rebellion, the quest for abolition, and the enduring legacy of resistance in Black (francophone) communities. By highlighting the socio-political relationship of the colonial and revolutionary era to the present, students explore the interconnectedness of slavery, colonialism, and power dynamics within the French empire and the enduring impact of this tumultuous history on contemporary conceptions of Blackness in France. Using an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses history, sociology, literary, and cultural studies, students analyze the formation of Black identity, racial ideologies, and the ongoing struggle for recognition and equality within French society. WR, HU
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
ER&M 278a / LAST 228a / SPAN 228a, Borders & Globalization in Hispanophone Cultures Luna Najera
The borders that constitute the geographical divisions of the world are contingent, but they can have enormous ordering power in the lives of people and other beings. Human-made borders can both allow and disallow the flow of people and resources (including goods, knowledge, information, technologies, etc.). Like geographical borders, social borders such as race, caste, class, and gender can form and perpetuate privileged categories of humans that constrain the access of excluded persons to resources, education, security, and social mobility. Thus, bordering can differentially value human lives. Working with the premise that borders are sites of power, in this course we study bordering and debordering practices in the Hispanic cultures of Iberia, Latin America, and North America, from the 1490s to the present. Through analyses of a wide range of texts that may include treatises, maps, travel literature, visual culture, material culture (e.g., currency), law, music, and performance art, students investigate the multiple ways in which social, cultural, and spatial borders are initiated, expressed, materialized, and contested. More broadly, we explore, describe, and trace the entanglements of bordering, globalizations, and knowledge production in Hispanophone cultures. Some of the questions that will guide our conversations are: What are (social) borders and what are the processes through which they persist? How do the effects of practices that transcend borders (e.g., environmental pollution, deforestation) change our understanding of borders? What can we learn from indigenous peoples’ responses to bordering process and globalization? Prerequisite: SPAN 140 or 145, or in accordance with placement results. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Readings are available electronically through Canvas and the University Library. To be conducted in Spanish. L5, HU
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
* ER&M 285a / LAST 305a / SOCY 305a, Latin American Immigration to the United States: Past, Present, and Future Angel Escamilla Garcia
Immigration from Latin America is the one of the most important and controversial issues in the United States today. The family separation crisis, the infamous border wall, and the Dream Act dominate political debate. Latinos—numbering more than 60 million in the U.S.—are a large, heterogeneous, and growing group with a unique social, political, and cultural history. This course explores key current issues in immigration, as well as the history of Latin American migration to the U.S., with the aim of providing students the tools necessary to thoughtfully participate in current debates. SO
* ER&M 291a / AFAM 352a / AMST 438a / LITR 295a / WGSS 343a, Caribbean Diasporic Literature Fadila Habchi
An examination of contemporary literature written by Caribbean writers who have migrated to, or who journey between, different countries around the Atlantic rim. Focus on literature written in English in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, both fiction and nonfiction. Writers include Caryl Phillips, Nalo Hopkinson, and Jamaica Kincaid. HU
W 3:30pm-5:20pm
* ER&M 292b / AFAM 239b / AMST 461b / EDST 209b / WGSS 202b, Identity, Diversity, and Policy in U.S. Education Craig Canfield
Introduction to critical theory (feminism, queer theory, critical race theory, disability studies, trans studies, indigenous studies) as a fundamental tool for understanding and critiquing identity, diversity, and policy in U.S. education. Exploration of identity politics and theory, as they figure in education policy. Methods for applying theory and interventions to interrogate issues in education. Application of theory and interventions to policy creation and reform. WR, HU
M 3:30pm-5:20pm
* ER&M 297a / AMST 371a, Food, Race, and Migration in United States Society Quan Tran
Exploration of the relationship between food, race, and migration in historical and contemporary United States contexts. Organized thematically and anchored in selected case studies, this course is comparative in scope and draws from contemporary work in the fields of food studies, ethnic studies, migration studies, American studies, anthropology, and history. SO
T 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 298b / AMST 307b / HIST 117b / LITR 375b / MGRK 306b, The Greek Diaspora in the United States Maria Kaliambou
The seminar explores the history and culture of the Greek diasporic community in the United States from the end of the 19th century to the present. The Greek American experience is embedded in the larger discussion of ethnic histories that construct modern America. The seminar examines important facets of immigration history, such as community formation, institutions and associations, professional occupations, and civic engagement. It pays attention to the everyday lives of the Greek Americans as demonstrated in religious, educational, and family cultural practices. It concludes by exploring the artistic expressions of Greek immigrants as manifested in literature, music, and film production. The instructor provides a variety of primary sources (archival records, business catalogs, community albums, personal narratives, letters, audiovisual material, etc.). All primary and secondary sources are in English; however, students are encouraged to read available material in the original language. WR, HU
M 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 300a or b, Comparative Ethnic Studies Staff
Introduction to the methods and practice of comparative ethnic studies. Examination of racial formation in the United States within a transnational framework. Legacies of colonialism, slavery, and racial exclusion; racial formation in schools, prisons, and citizenship law; cultural politics of music and performance; social movements; and postcolonial critique. SO
* ER&M 310b / AFAM 326b / AMST 312b / WGSS 298b, Postcolonial Cities of the West Fadila Habchi
Examination of various texts and films pertaining to the representation of postcolonial cities in the global north and a range of social, political, and cultural issues that concern those who inhabit these spaces. HU
W 3:30pm-5:20pm
* ER&M 314b / AMST 314b / WGSS 306b, Gender and Transgender Greta LaFleur
Introduction to transgender studies, an emergent field that draws on gender studies, queer theory, sociology, feminist science studies, literary studies, and history. Representations of gender nonconformity in a cultural context dominated by a two-sex model of human gender differentiation. Sources include novels, autobiographies, films, and philosophy and criticism. RP
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
ER&M 325b / AFST 335b / HIST 335b, A History of South Africa Daniel Magaziner
An introduction to the history of southern Africa, especially South Africa. Indigenous communities; early colonial contact; the legacies of colonial rule; postcolonial mismanagement; the vagaries of the environment; the mineral revolution; segregationist regimes; persistent inequality and crime since the end of apartheid; the specter of AIDS; postcolonial challenges in Zimbabwe, Angola, and Mozambique. HU 0 Course cr
* ER&M 333a, Mexico and the Migratory Lyric David Francis
What is a lyric and how does it move? How have understandings of Mexican poetry changed over the course of the nation’s history, and what factors have contributed to these changes? To investigate these questions, this course examines how different forms of lyrical communication have been disseminated within Mexico and internationally. Therein, we discuss how lyrical production has been complicated by such issues as print culture and the publication industry; race, gender, class, and economics; and cultural politics and political representation. Our explorations begin with the popular corrido. They then move to discussions of nationality, translation, and bilingual anthology production before and after the rise of boom literature; border writing, migration, and the formation of multilingual literary communities; discourse of gender, sexuality, race, and disease; and the popularization of narco-ballads. We conclude by discussing the contemporary lyric as seen in different media like the novel and the film industry. HU
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 339a / AMST 416a / ENGL 396a, Region, Indigeneity, and American Literary Realism Lloyd Kevin Sy
A study of American literature between roughly 1865 and 1930, with a focus on the themes of place and race, especially how authors handle the theme of being authentically American. An outsized focus is placed on the often neglected works of Indigenous American writers. Potential readings: Zitkala-Sa, Sarah Winnemucca, Susette La Flesche, Mourning Dove, Twain, James, Charles Chesnutt, Hurston, Cather, Dunbar, Wharton, Sherwood Anderson, Jewett, Sui Sin Far. May satisfy the 18th/19th century or 20th/21st century literature requirement for English majors with permission from the instructor and the DUS. HU
Th 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 342b / HIST 372Jb / LAST 372b, Revolutionary Change and Cold War in Latin America Greg Grandin
Analysis of revolutionary movements in Latin America against the backdrop of the Cold War. Critical examination of popular images and orthodox interpretations. An interdisciplinary study of the process of revolutionary change and cold war at the grassroots level. WR, HU
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
ER&M 345b / HIST 325b / LAST 325b, Introduction to Latin American History Anne Eller
Critical themes and events in Latin American history from pre-Columbian times to the present. Major formative epochs such as the pre-Columbian era, colonization, independence, and contemporary moments; modern political flashpoints, including Haiti, Cuba, Argentina, and Peru. HU
* ER&M 360a / HLTH 370a / HSHM 432a / SOCY 390a / WGSS 390a, Politics of Reproduction Rene Almeling
Reproduction as a process that is simultaneously biological and social, involving male and female bodies, family formation, and powerful social institutions such as medicine, law, and the marketplace. Sociological research on reproductive topics such as pregnancy, birth, abortion, contraception, infertility, reproductive technology, and aging. Core sociological concepts used to examine how the politics of reproduction are shaped by the intersecting inequalities of gender, race, class, and sexuality. WR, SO
T 3:30pm-5:20pm
* ER&M 367b / AMST 447b / EDST 270b, Contemporary Native American K-12 and Postsecondary Educational Policy Mira Debs
This course will explore current Native American educational policy issues, programming, funding, and success. Native American representation in policy conversations is often incomplete, complicated, or relegated to an asterisk resulting in a lack of resources, awareness, and visibility in educational policy. This course examines the challenges and issues related to Native education; however, the impetus of this course centers on the resiliency, strength, and imagination of Native American students and communities to redefine and achieve success in a complex and often unfamiliar educational environment. EDST 110 recommended SO
W 9:25am-11:15am
ER&M 368a / HIST 368a / LAST 368a, Political Violence, Citizenship, and Democracy in Latin America Staff
Exploration of how and when definitions of citizenship and democracy have been shaped by violent conflicts; how local and global contexts have influenced individual and collective political action; and the transformation of leadership, ideologies, and utopias in different Latin American contexts. WR, HU 0 Course cr
* ER&M 394a / ANTH 409a / EVST 422a / F&ES 422a / GLBL 394a, Climate and Society: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities Michael Dove
Discussion of the major currents of thought regarding climate and climate change; focusing on equity, collapse, folk knowledge, historic and contemporary visions, western and non-western perspectives, drawing on the social sciences and humanities. WR, SO
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 404a / AMST 394a / HIST 114Ja, Texas Histories Stephen Pitti
An exploration of topics in Texas history from the 16th century into the contemporary moment. Readings focus on Native American, African American, Latinx, Asian American, and LGBTQ histories, as well as broader political developments and patterns over the last two centuries. WR, HU
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 412a / PSYC 312a, Native American Mental Health Mark Beitel and Christopher Cutter
Issues of health policy, research, and service delivery in Native American communities, with a focus on historical antecedents that shape health outcomes and social policy for indigenous communities. Urgent problems in health and wellness, with special attention to Native American mental health. The roles of the Indian Health Service, state and local agencies, and tribal health centers; comparison of Native American and European American conceptions of health and illness. SO
W 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 417a / AFST 389a / MMES 389a, Comparative settler geographies Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen
This advanced undergraduate seminar delves into theories and comparative studies of recent and contemporary settler colonial geographies to ask the following questions: 1) What are the key characteristics of settler colonial geographies and (how) are they distinct from colonial geographies? 2) What are the intellectual and political stakes of applying settler colonialism as an analytical lens? 3) How does comparative analysis deepen or disrupt concepts such as sovereignty, race, and I/indigeneity, especially in a majority world context? 4) How do Indigenous or and/or occupied peoples contest settler cartographies through placemaking and other strategies? In this seminar, we read key theoretical texts in colonial, postcolonial, settler, Native, and Indigenous studies with an emphasis on global and Southern intervention. Alongside theoretical texts, we focus on four case studies that, to a greater or lesser degree, push the boundaries of settler colonial definitions and concepts: South Africa, Morocco/Western Sahara, Israel/Palestine, and southwestern China and Tibet. Where possible, we invite scholars with expertise in the cases to speak to the class. SO
Th 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 427b / ENGL 3617b, Race and Religion on the Early Modern Stage Catherine Nicholson
Consideration of the literary, cultural, and political implications of staging race and religion in plays by Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Cary, Ben Jonson, Thomas Heywood, and others. How sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Londoners derived impressions of the outside world from the theater, particularly exotic strangers in the form of villainous and virtuous Jews, seductive and tyrannical Turks, noble and ignoble Moors, Indian princesses, decadent Catholics, tricksy Venetians, and cross-dressing, gender-bending pirates. Previously ENGL 417. WR, HU
MW 2:30pm-3:45pm
* ER&M 430a / AMST 450a / WGSS 461a, Islam in the American Imagination Zareena Grewal
The representation of Muslims in the United States and abroad throughout the twentieth century. The place of Islam in the American imagination; intersections between concerns of race and citizenship in the United States and foreign policies directed toward the Middle East. WR, SO
W 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 432a / AMST 430a / ANTH 430a / HIST 123a, Muslims in the United States Zareena Grewal
Since 9/11, cases of what has been termed “home-grown terrorism” have cemented the fear that “bad” Islam is not just something that exists far away, in distant lands. As a result, there has been an urgent interest to understand who American Muslims are by officials, experts, journalists, and the public. Although Muslims have been part of America’s story from its founding, Muslims have alternated from an invisible minority to the source of national moral panics, capturing national attention during political crises, as a cultural threat or even a potential fifth column. Today the stakes are high to understand what kinds of meanings and attachments connect Muslims in America to the Muslim world and to the US as a nation. Over the course of the semester, students grapple with how to define and apply the slippery concept of diaspora to different dispersed Muslim populations in the US, including racial and ethnic diasporas, trading diasporas, political diasporas, and others. By focusing on a range of communities-in-motion and a diverse set of cultural texts, students explore the ways mobility, loss, and communal identity are conceptualized by immigrants, expatriates, refugees, guest-workers, religious seekers, and exiles. To this end, we read histories, ethnographies, essays, policy papers, novels, poetry, memoirs; we watch documentary and fictional films; we listen to music, speeches, spoken word performances, and prayers. Our aim is to deepen our understanding of the multiple meanings and conceptual limits of homeland and diaspora for Muslims in America, particularly in the Age of Terror. HU
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm
* ER&M 444a / RLST 289a, Race, Religion, and Transnational Mobilities Gana Ndiaye
This course surveys how “migrants” and “desirable migrants” are produced through race and religion in the Americas and Europe. It also examines how racial identities and religious beliefs inform human mobilities and shape the experiences of such mobile persons as settlers, exiles, asylum seekers, temporary workers, and economic migrants. By the end of the course, participants will familiarize themselves with the crucial roles that religious beliefs and practices play in causing and responding to human mobilities. Students will also gain familiarity with the ways in which migrants' religious practices transform local cultures, politics, and societies as their own religious practices are reconfigured by and in the context of host nations. Topics to be covered include citizenship and cultural difference, religion and the public sphere, multiculturalism, Islam and democracy, Christian Pentecostal missions, liberation theology, and African diasporic religions. SO
T 3:30pm-5:20pm
* ER&M 445b, Remembering the Vietnam War Quan Tran
Approaching the fiftieth anniversary of its conclusion, the Vietnam War as well as its legacies and memories remain topics of ongoing debates not only in Vietnam and in the US, but also in other parts of the world given the war’s extensive reach. This multidisciplinary seminar considers what different actors remember of the war as well as how, when, where, and why they invoke war memories. The course engages with war memories in cultural productions such as literature, film, music, and art as well as in memorialization, museum, archival, and tourism efforts to name a few sites of war remembrance. The first third of the course will provide an historical overview of the war from different perspectives while the last two thirds of the class will focus on a wide range of war legacies and memories and their multilayered significance. HU, SO
Th 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 448a / AMST 428a / ENGL 332a / WGSS 328a, “I Don’t Like to Argue”: The Styles and Politics of Humility Sunny Xiang and Minh Vu
What can academic writing do besides argue? Why does critical thinking so often compel an idiom of claiming, exploring, discovering, and mastering? What might writers strive for, if not newness, rigor, excellence, or even one’s own voice? In this class, we defamiliarize and repair the habits of mind and body that have been normalized by the university. Some of our time goes toward identifying the racial and colonial logics as well as presumptions about gender and ability that inform the conventions, genres, and styles of scholarly prose. For example, we contemplate the power relations and tonal effects embedded in the familiar maneuvers of advancing and defending arguments. Most of the class’s energy, however, is devoted to testing out less combative modes of inhabiting the page. We pursue these experiments not in the name of novelty but with the hope that our compositional practices can move us toward different values and different futures for writing, conversing, and living as subjects of the university. To guide us in this endeavor, we look to scholars who have critiqued the politics of knowledge by mobilizing alternative styles of knowing. Some, for example, have turned footnotes into an occasion for giving thanks instead of exhibiting mastery. Others have repurposed quotations and images in ways that challenge traditional regimes of evidence. HU
T 9:25am-11:15am
* ER&M 467a / AFAM 457a / AFST 457a / AMST 470a / FREN 481a, Racial Republic: African Diasporic Literature and Culture in Postcolonial France Fadila Habchi
This is an interdisciplinary seminar on French cultural history from the 1930s to the present. We focus on issues concerning race and gender in the context of colonialism, postcolonialism, and migration. The course investigates how the silencing of colonial history has been made possible culturally and ideologically, and how this silencing has in turn been central to the reorganizing of French culture and society from the period of decolonization to the present. We ask how racial regimes and spaces have been constructed in French colonial discourses and how these constructions have evolved in postcolonial France. We examine postcolonial African diasporic literary writings, films, and other cultural productions that have explored the complex relations between race, colonialism, historical silences, republican universalism, and color-blindness. Topics include the 1931 Colonial Exposition, Black Paris, decolonization, universalism, the Trente Glorieuses, the Paris massacre of 1961, anti-racist movements, the "beur" author, memory, the 2005 riots, and contemporary afro-feminist and decolonial movements. HU
W 1:30pm-3:20pm
ER&M 491a, The Senior Colloquium: Theoretical and Methodological Issues Staff
A research seminar intended to move students toward the successful completion of their senior projects, combining discussions of methodological and theoretical issues with discussions of students' fields of research.