Finnish (FNSH)
* FNSH 110a, Elementary Finnish I Staff
The structure of the Elementary Finnish course ensures that students receive a solid grounding in both the language and the culture of Finland. The course promotes the development of language ability through the students' participation in communicative activities and discussions. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail for more information. L1 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 4:10pm-6pm
* FNSH 120b, Elementary Finnish II Staff
Continuation of FNSH 110. The structure of the Elementary Finnish course sequence ensures that students receive a solid grounding in both the language and the culture of Finland. This course continues to promote the development of language ability through the students' participation in communicative activities and discussions. Course taught through distance learning using videoconferencing technology from Columbia University. Enrollment limited; interested students should e-mail for more information. Credit only on completion of FNSH 110. L2 RP 1½ Course cr
MW 4:10pm-6pm