Hebrew (HEBR)
HEBR 110a, Elementary Modern Hebrew I Dina Roginsky
Introduction to the language of contemporary Israel, both spoken and written. Fundamentals of grammar; extensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing under the guidance of a native speaker. L1 1½ Course cr
HEBR 117a, Elementary Biblical Hebrew I Dina Roginsky
An introduction to biblical Hebrew. Intensive instruction in grammar and vocabulary, supplemented by readings from the Bible. No prior knowledge of Hebrew required. L1
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
HEBR 120b, Elementary Modern Hebrew II Orit Yeret
Continuation of HEBR 110. Introduction to the language of contemporary Israel, both spoken and written. Fundamentals of grammar; extensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing under the guidance of a native speaker. Prerequisite: HEBR 110 or equivalent. L2 RP 1½ Course cr
HEBR 127b, Elementary Biblical Hebrew II Eric Reymond
Continuation of HEBR 117. Prerequisite: HEBR 117. L2
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
* HEBR 130a, Intermediate Modern Hebrew I Orit Yeret
Review and continuation of grammatical study, leading to a deeper understanding of style and usage. Focus on selected readings and on writing, comprehension, and speaking skills. Prerequisite: HEBR 120 or equivalent. L3 RP 1½ Course cr
HEBR 140b, Intermediate Modern Hebrew II Orit Yeret
Continuation of HEBR 130. Review and continuation of grammatical study leading to a deeper comprehension of style and usage. Focus on selected readings and on writing, comprehension, and speaking skills. Prerequisite: HEBR 130 or equivalent. L4 RP 1½ Course cr
MTWThF 10:30am-11:20am
* HEBR 158a / JDST 305a / MMES 168a, Contemporary Israeli Society in Film Shiri Goren
Examination of major themes in Israeli society through film, with emphasis on language study. Topics include migration, gender and sexuality, Jewish/Israeli identity, and private and collective memory. Readings in Hebrew and English provide a sociohistorical background and bases for class discussion. Prerequisites: HEBR 140 or permission of instructor. L5, HU RP
MW 2:30pm-3:45pm
* HEBR 159a / JDST 409a / MMES 159a, Conversational Hebrew: Israeli Media Shiri Goren
An advanced Hebrew course for students interested in practicing and enhancing conversational skills. Focus on listening comprehension and on various forms of discussion, including practical situations, online interactions, and content analysis. Prerequisite: HEBR 140 or permission of instructor. L5 RP
MW 11:35am-12:50pm
HEBR 161b / JDST 407b / MMES 156b, Israeli Popular Music Dina Roginsky
Changes in the development of popular music in Israel explored as representations of changing Israeli society and culture. The interaction of music and cultural identity; modern popular music and social conventions; songs of commemoration and heroism; popular representation of the Holocaust; Mizrahi and Arab music; feminism, sexuality, and gender; class and musical consumption; criticism, protest, and globalization. Conducted in Hebrew. Prerequisite: HEBR 140 or equivalent. L5, SO
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
* HEBR 164b / JDST 417b / MMES 167b, Biblical to Modern Hebrew for Reading Knowledge Dina Roginsky
Instruction in the linguistic needs of students who have reading knowledge of Biblical Hebrew but cannot read or converse in Modern Hebrew. Concentration on reading comprehension of Modern Hebrew for research purposes, particularly scholarly texts tailored to students’ areas of interest. Two years of Biblical or Modern Hebrew studies, or permission of the instructor. RP
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm