Science (SCIE)
* SCIE 010a and SCIE 011b, Perspectives on Biological Research Sandy Chang
5The goal of this two course series is to teach Science, Technology, and Research Scholars 1 (STARS1) scientific skills necessary to conduct cutting-edge undergraduate research in their first summer. During the first semester, students read primary research papers on the COVID19 pandemic and emerge from this course with an appreciation for how rapidly scientific knowledge can be utilized to combat a deadly disease. Students learn how to (1) read the primary scientific literature, (2) present this material to the class and, (3) write a group grant proposal. During the second semester, students are required to take MCDB 201L concurrently and identify a Yale research mentor to work with over the summer. Students learn how to write an independent grant proposal to prepare them for summer research. Students receive guaranteed funding upon successful completion of the grant proposal. Credit for SCIE 010 is given only upon completion of SCIE 011. One course credit, one SC or WR credit, is awarded after successful completion of the grant proposal and one year's work. Enrollment limited to first-year students. Prerequisite: Score of 5 on AP biology test or equivalent on IB biology exam. Students MUST take MCDB 201L, Molecular Biology Laboratory, in Spring 2025 concurrent with SCIE 011. WR, SC ½ Course cr per term
F 1:30pm-3:20pm