Translation Studies Certificate

Certificate director: Marijeta Bozovic, Slavic Languages and Literatures; Film and Media Studies; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

As human migration and globalization alter the manner and speed of language change, translation has become increasingly central to the workings of the contemporary world. This certificate in Translation Studies promotes the interdisciplinary study of translation, and at the same time facilitates existing and burgeoning translation practices, encompassing literary, social, political, economic, legal, technological, and medical dimensions.

This certificate offers students a coursework-focused track to develop expertise in translation research and practice. 


Students must successfully complete five course credits on translation-themed topics, drawn from the list of approved courses posted each semester on the Translation Studies Initiative website. Other course credits may be approved by permission of the certificate director and the course instructor. In addition, each student must attend three lectures or events listed through the Translation Initiative to be awarded the certificate. After each lecture, students are asked to submit a brief written response to the lecture to the certificate director to be credited for attendance. Other translation activities or other events may be counted toward this requirement at the discretion of the director.

Of the five credits, no more than three may originate in the same department. Additionally, no more than two course credits may overlap in the fulfillment of the requirements of the Translation Studies certificate or of a major, a simultaneous degree, or another certificate; and no course credit may be applied toward the requirements of more than two curricular programs. For example, the same course credit may not be used to fulfill the requirements of two certificates and a major. Approved graduate and professional school courses may count toward the certificate.

Declaration of Candidacy

Students must declare their intent to earn a certificate by the last day of add/drop period in their final term of enrollment. This is done on the Declare Major, Concentration within the Major, Certificate page on Yale Hub. Once declared, Degree Audit will track students' progress toward completion of the certificate.

Summary of Requirements

Number of courses 5 course credits 

Distribution of courses Up to 3 courses in any originating department

Additional requirements Attendance at 3 lectures sponsored by the Translation Initiative, each followed by a 1-page written response to the event