Biostatistics Concentration (BIS)

The M.S. with a concentration in Biostatistics is a two-year program that provides training in clinical trials, epidemiologic methodology, implementation science, data science, statistical genetics, and mathematical models for infectious diseases. Students have a choice of three pathways: the Biostatistics Standard Pathway, the Biostatistics Implementation and Prevention Science Methods Pathway, and the Biostatistics Data Science Pathway. In contrast to the more general M.P.H. degree, the M.S. degree emphasizes the mastery of biostatistical skills from the beginning of the plan of study. While graduates of this program may apply to the Ph.D. degree program, the M.S. degree is itself quite marketable as a terminal degree. Part-time enrollment is permitted.

Degree Requirements

The Biostatistics concentration requires the completion of fifteen required and elective courses for the Standard Pathway and the Implementation and Prevention Sciences Pathway. Sixteen required and elective courses must be completed for the Data Science Pathway. These requirements exclude the Seminar, BIS 525/BIS 526; the Summer Internship, BIS 695; EPH 100; and EPH 101Note: Half-term courses cannot count as an elective unless an additional half-term course is taken, and the Biostatistics faculty have approved both courses as an elective. 

The Graduate School requires an overall grade average of High Pass, including grades of Honors in at least two full-term graduate courses for students enrolled in a two-year program. In order to maintain the minimum average of High Pass, each grade of Pass on the student’s transcript must be balanced by one grade of Honors. Each grade of Fail must be balanced by two grades of Honors. If a student retakes a course in which the student has received a failing grade, only the newer grade will be considered in calculating this average. The initial grade of Fail, however, will remain on the student’s transcript. A grade awarded at the conclusion of a full-year course in which no grade is awarded at the end of the first term would be counted twice in calculating this average.


Required Courses for All Pathways

(or substitutions approved by the student’s adviser and the DGS)

BIS 525Seminar in Biostatistics and Journal Club 10
BIS 526Seminar in Biostatistics and Journal Club 10
BIS 623Advanced Regression Models1
or S&DS 612 Linear Models
BIS 628Longitudinal and Multilevel Data Analysis1
BIS 630Applied Survival Analysis1
or BIS 643 Theory of Survival Analysis
BIS 678Statistical Practice I1
BIS 695Summer Internship in Biostatistics 10
EPH 100Professional Skills Series 10
EPH 101Professional Skills Series 10
EPH 509Fundamentals of Epidemiology1
EPH 608Frontiers of Public Health 21
S&DS 541Probability Theory 31
or S&DS 551 Stochastic Processes
or S&DS 600 Advanced Probability
S&DS 542Theory of Statistics 31
or S&DS 610 Statistical Inference

Additional Required Courses: Standard Pathway

BIS 679Advanced Statistical Programming in SAS and R1
BIS 681Statistical Practice II 11
or BIS 649 Master’s Thesis Research
or BIS 650 Master’s Thesis Research

Electives Five courses are required. A minimum of two must be from the biostatistics list. The additional three electives can be taken from either list of approved electives below.

Biostatistics Electives
BIS 536Measurement Error and Missing Data1
BIS 537Statistical Methods for Causal Inference1
BIS 540Fundamentals of Clinical Trials1
BIS 550/CB&B 750Topics in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science1
BIS 555Machine Learning with Biomedical Data1
BIS 560Introduction to Health Informatics1
BIS 567Bayesian Statistics1
BIS 568Applied Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare1
BIS 620Data Science Software Systems1
BIS 629Advanced Methods for Implementation and Prevention Science1
BIS 631Advanced Topics in Causal Inference Methods1
BIS 633Population and Public Health Informatics1
BIS 634Computational Methods for Informatics1
BIS 638Clinical Database Management Systems and Ontologies1
BIS 640User-Centered Design of Digital Health Tools1
BIS 643Theory of Survival Analysis 21
BIS 645Statistical Methods in Human Genetics1
BIS 646Nonparametric Statistical Methods and Their Applications1
BIS 662Computational Statistics1
BIS 691Theory of Generalized Linear Models1
BIS 692Statistical Methods in Computational Biology1
Additional electives must be approved by the Standard Pathway director.
Additional Electives
CDE 566Causal Inference Methods in Public Health Research1
CDE 634Advanced Applied Analytic Methods in Epidemiology and Public Health1
CPSC 540Database Design and Implementation 11
CPSC 546Data and Information Visualization 11
CPSC 552/CB&B 663Deep Learning Theory and Applications 11
CPSC 570Artificial Intelligence 11
CPSC 577Natural Language Processing 11
CPSC 582Current Topics in Applied Machine Learning 11
CPSC 583Deep Learning on Graph-Structured Data 11
CPSC 640Topics in Numerical Computation 11
CPSC 670Topics in Natural Language Processing 11
CPSC 677Advanced Natural Language Processing 11
CPSC 680Trustworthy Deep Learning 11
CPSC/CB&B/MB&B/MCDB 752Biomedical Data Science: Mining and Modeling 11
ECON 554Econometrics V1
EMD 553Transmission Dynamic Models for Understanding Infectious Diseases1
ENAS 912Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis1
HPM 573Advanced Topics in Modeling Health Care Decisions1
HPM 583Methods in Health Services Research1
INP/PSYC 558Computational Methods in Human Neuroscience 11
INP 599Statistics and Data Analysis in Neuroscience 11
MGT 803Decision Making with Data 22
S&DS 517Applied Machine Learning and Causal Inference 11
S&DS 551Stochastic Processes 11
S&DS 562Computational Tools for Data Science 11
S&DS 563/ENV 758Multivariate Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences 11
S&DS 565Introductory Machine Learning 11
S&DS 569Numerical Linear Algebra: Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms 11
S&DS 580Neural Data Analysis1
S&DS 600Advanced Probability 11
S&DS 610Statistical Inference 11
S&DS 611Selected Topics in Statistical Decision Theory 11
S&DS 612Linear Models 1,31
S&DS 618Asymptotic Statistics1
S&DS 625Statistical Case Studies 11
S&DS 631Optimization and Computation 11
S&DS 632Advanced Optimization Techniques 11
S&DS 661Data Analysis 11
S&DS 662Statistical Computing 31
S&DS 663Computational Mathematics Situational Awareness and Survival Skills 11
S&DS 664Information Theory 11
S&DS 665Intermediate Machine Learning 11
S&DS 674/ENV 781Applied Spatial Statistics 11
S&DS 685Theory of Reinforcement Learning 11
Additional electives must be approved by the Standard Pathway director.

Additional Required Courses: Implementation and Prevention Science Methods Pathway

BIS 629Advanced Methods for Implementation and Prevention Science1
BIS 679Advanced Statistical Programming in SAS and R1
BIS 681Statistical Practice II 11
or BIS 649 Master’s Thesis Research
or BIS 650 Master’s Thesis Research
EMD 533Implementation Science1
At least one of the following:
BIS 536Measurement Error and Missing Data1
BIS 537Statistical Methods for Causal Inference1
BIS 631Advanced Topics in Causal Inference Methods1
At least two of the following:
CDE 516Principles of Epidemiology II1
CDE 534Applied Analytic Methods in Epidemiology1
EMD 538Quantitative Methods for Infectious Disease Epidemiology1
HPM 570Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Decision-Making 11
HPM 575Evaluation of Global Health Policies and Programs1
HPM 586Microeconomics for Health Policy and Health Management1
HPM 587Advanced Health Economics1
MGT 611Policy Modeling 14
SBS 541Community Health Program Evaluation 11
SBS 574Developing a Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Intervention1
SBS 580Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health 11
S&DS 565Introductory Machine Learning 21
Alternative electives must be approved by the Implementation Science Pathway director.

Additional Required Courses: Data Science Pathway

BIS 620Data Science Software Systems1
BIS 687Data Science Capstone 11
Two of the following biostatistics, computer science, and statistical methods courses
BIS 536Measurement Error and Missing Data1
BIS 537Statistical Methods for Causal Inference1
BIS 540Fundamentals of Clinical Trials1
BIS 550/CB&B 750Topics in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science1
BIS 555Machine Learning with Biomedical Data1
BIS 567Bayesian Statistics1
BIS 629Advanced Methods for Implementation and Prevention Science1
BIS 634Computational Methods for Informatics1
BIS 645Statistical Methods in Human Genetics1
BIS 646Nonparametric Statistical Methods and Their Applications1
BIS 662Computational Statistics1
BIS 692/S&DS 645Statistical Methods in Computational Biology1
CB&B 562Modeling Biological Systems II 11
CB&B 752Biomedical Data Science: Mining and Modeling 11
CPSC 519Full Stack Web Programming 11
CPSC 526Building Distributed Systems 11
CPSC 539Software Engineering 11
CPSC 565Theory of Distributed Systems 11
CPSC 577Natural Language Processing 11
CPSC 588AI Foundation Models 11
CPSC 640Topics in Numerical Computation 11
CPSC 642Modern Challenges in Statistics: A Computational Perspective1
EMD 553Transmission Dynamic Models for Understanding Infectious Diseases1
HPM 573Advanced Topics in Modeling Health Care Decisions1
S&DS 541Probability Theory 1,41
S&DS 551Stochastic Processes 1,51
S&DS 611Selected Topics in Statistical Decision Theory 11
S&DS 625Statistical Case Studies 11
S&DS 661Data Analysis 11
S&DS 664Information Theory 11
Additional electives must be approved by the Data Science Pathway director.
One of the following Machine Learning courses:
BIS 555Machine Learning with Biomedical Data 21
BIS 568Applied Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare1
BIS 634Computational Methods for Informatics 21
BIS 662Computational Statistics 21
BIS 691Theory of Generalized Linear Models1
CB&B 555/AMTH 553/CPSC 553Unsupervised Learning for Big Data 11
CB&B 663/AMTH 552/CPSC 552Deep Learning Theory and Applications 11
CPSC 569Randomized Algorithms 11
CPSC 583Deep Learning on Graph-Structured Data 11
CPSC 644Geometric and Topological Methods in Machine Learning 11
CPSC 670Topics in Natural Language Processing 11
S&DS 517Applied Machine Learning and Causal Inference 11
S&DS 562Computational Tools for Data Science 11
S&DS 565Introductory Machine Learning 11
S&DS 569Numerical Linear Algebra: Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms 11
S&DS 631Optimization and Computation 11
S&DS 632Advanced Optimization Techniques 11
S&DS 665Intermediate Machine Learning 11
S&DS 674/ENV 781Applied Spatial Statistics 11
S&DS 684Statistical Inference on Graphs 11
S&DS 685Theory of Reinforcement Learning 11
S&DS 686High-Dimensional Phenomena in Statistics and Learning 11
Additional electives must be approved by the Data Science Pathway director.
One of the following Database courses:
BIS 550/CB&B 750Topics in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science 21
BIS 638Clinical Database Management Systems and Ontologies1
BIS 679Advanced Statistical Programming in SAS and R1
CPSC 537Database Systems 11
MGT 656Management of Software Development 34
MGT 660Advanced Management of Software Development 34
Additional electives must be approved by the Data Science Pathway director.

Two additional electives are required from the biostatistics, machine learning, or database list. Other courses from Public Health or other departments must be approved by the Data Science Pathway director.


Upon receiving an M.S. in the Biostatistics concentration of Public Health, the student will be able to:

  • Select from a variety of analytical tools to test statistical hypotheses, interpret results of statistical analyses, and use these results to make relevant inferences from data
  • Design efficient computer programs for study management, statistical analysis, as well as presentation using R, SAS, and other programming languages
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication and presentation skills to effectively communicate and disseminate results to professional audiences