Yale College Art Major

Yale College, the undergraduate division of Yale University, offers a Bachelor of Arts degree program with a major in art. Students may concentrate on a medium such as painting/printmaking, sculpture, graphic design, photography, or filmmaking. Suggested program guidelines and specific requirements for the various areas of concentration are available from the director of undergraduate studies (DUS) and departmental faculty. Undergraduate applicants wishing to major in art at Yale must apply to Yale College directly. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, PO Box 208234, 38 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT 06520-8234; 203.432.9300; https://admissions.yale.edu.

Students in this major will develop an understanding of the visual arts through a studio-based curriculum, apply fundamentals of art across a variety of media and disciplines, relate the practice of making art to the fields of art history and theory, and gain a high level of proficiency in at least one artistic discipline. Courses at the 100 level stress the fundamental aspects of visual formulation and articulation. Courses numbered 200 through 499 offer increasingly intensive study leading to greater specialization in one or more of the visual disciplines such as graphic design, painting/printmaking, photography, filmmaking, and sculpture/4-D. Interdisciplinary practice is supported.

The prerequisites for acceptance into the major are a Sophomore Review, which is an evaluation of work from studio courses taken at Yale School of Art, and five terms of introductory (100-level) courses. Students should be enrolled in their fifth studio course by the time of the Sophomore Review. Visual Thinking (ART 111) and Basic Drawing (ART 114) are mandatory. In exceptional cases, arrangements for a special review during the junior year may be made with the DUS.

For graduation as an art major, a total of fourteen course credits in the major field is required. These fourteen course credits must include the following: (1) five prerequisite courses at the 100 level (including Visual Thinking and Basic Drawing); (2) four 200-level and above courses; (3) the Junior Seminar (ART 395); (4) the two-credit Senior Project (ART 495 and ART 496); and (5) two courses in the History of Art, Film and Media Studies, or other electives related to visual culture. Suggested program guidelines and specific requirements for the various areas of concentration are available from the DUS. A suggested program guideline is as follows:

First year Studio courses, two terms
Sophomore year Studio courses, three terms
HSAR, FILM, or other visual culture elective, one term
Junior year Studio courses, three terms including the Junior Major Seminar
HSAR, FILM, or other visual culture elective, one term
Senior year Studio courses, four terms including the yearlong Senior Project

Permission of the instructor required in all art courses. A student may repeat an art course with the permission of the DUS. 

Graduate courses, in some cases, may be elected by advanced undergraduate art majors who have completed all undergraduate courses in a particular area of study and who have permission of the DUS as well as the course instructor, but only when space is available.

Undergraduates are normally limited to credit for four terms of graduate- or professional-level courses (courses numbered 500 and above). Please refer to the section on Academic Regulations in Yale College Programs of Study for further pertinent details.