Among the offenses that are subject to disciplinary action are the following:
A. Violations of Academic Integrity
Cheating on examinations; plagiarism; unauthorized sharing of materials, answers, or sources; improper acknowledgment of sources in essays; the use of a single essay in more than one course except in academically appropriate circumstances and with the prior explicit permission of the instructors; other means by which a student may create, submit, or take credit for work that is not the student's own; and not following exam or assignment procedures and other means by which a student may compromise the integrity of exams or assignments. (See Academic Integrity.)
B. Falsification of documents
Forging, altering, misrepresenting, or otherwise falsifying any transcript, academic record, identification card, or other document or communication. (See also Office of Career Strategy; Library.)
C. Acts of violence or physical force
Physical restriction, assault, or any other act of violence or use of physical force against any member of the community, or any act that threatens the use of violence or physical force. The implied or express consent of the person against whom such violence or force is used will not be considered a defense.
D. Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment
Any sexual activity for which positive, unambiguous, and voluntary consent has not been given in advance; any sexual activity with someone who is incapable of giving valid consent because, for example, they are sleeping or otherwise incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs; any act of sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, or stalking. Sexual misconduct includes nonphysical actions such as digital media stalking, cyberbullying, and nonconsensual recording of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment consists of nonconsensual sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
For a fuller description of sexual misconduct, sexual consent, and sexual harassment see the Sexual Misconduct Response & Prevention website. Sexual misconduct violations shall be addressed by the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) and governed by its procedures.
E. Harassment, intimidation, or coercion
Acts of harassment, intimidation, or coercion, including discriminatory harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a protected veteran, or national or ethnic origin.
F. Interference with University functions
Participation in any effort to prevent or disrupt a class or other University function, or to seize or occupy any University building or part thereof, or to violate the right of an audience to listen at a University function. (See Free Expression.)
G. Riots
Participation in or attendance at riots or mass disturbances on the city streets or on any area of the campus.
H. Defiance of authority
Defiance or belligerence toward or lying to a University official (including, but not limited to, faculty members, administrators, and police officers) who, in their professional capacity, asks for information or identification, or issues an order. Students are expected to carry University identification cards at all times and must identify themselves to University officials upon request. It is understood that University officials will identify themselves before making such a request.
I. Misconduct during a formal Conduct Process or hearing
Deliberate and knowing misrepresentation, lying, defiance, or belligerence during a formal conduct process or hearing conducted by University authorities.
J. Misrepresentation
Knowingly and deliberately supplying false information to a faculty member or other University official to gain an accommodation, privilege, or other benefit. This includes, but is not limited to, knowingly and deliberately supplying false information in an application for financial aid from the University or processed by the University.
K. Weapons and explosives
The possession or use of explosives, incendiary materials, or weapons (weapons include, but are not limited to, guns, firearms, shotguns, rifles, air rifles, paintball and pellet guns, BB guns, Tasers, and knives) by any Yale student, which is absolutely prohibited on campus, in areas surrounding the campus, or in off-campus housing. Students participating in club sports or in any other recreational or sporting activities involving the use of firearms must adhere to this prohibition and to the protocols established by the University with respect to the possession, use, storage, and transportation of any firearms (see Sporting Firearms in the Club Sports Handbook).
L. Alcohol
The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of alcohol on University property or as part of any University activity.
M. Drugs
The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of illicit drugs or controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs); the misuse of prescription drugs, including sharing, procuring, buying, or using in a manner different from the prescribed use, or by someone other than the person for whom they were prescribed.
N. Theft and willful property damage
Obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over the property of others, or the destruction of, or damage to, the property of others.
O. Trespassing
Presence in University buildings, steam tunnels, or on University property at times or places where such presence is prohibited, as, for example, when a building, facility, or room is locked and permission to enter has not been given. (See also Restricted Areas.)
P. Offenses compromising campus fire safety
Deliberate and unnecessary activation of fire alarms; tampering with fire alarms or smoke detectors; deliberate and unnecessary discharge of fire extinguishers; deliberate or reckless starting of unauthorized fires; and other conduct creating a risk to persons or property from fire or smoke. (See Fire alarms, Fire Extinguishers, and Smoke Detectors and Sprinkler Systems.)
Q. Offenses compromising campus security
Improper use of, tampering with, or vandalism of security systems or devices; unauthorized possession or duplication of University identification/proximity cards or keys; unauthorized propping open of, or tampering with, doors or gates, or actions in disregard of security postings. (See also General security.)
R. Unauthorized use of services or facilities
Unauthorized, unlawful, or fraudulent use of services or facilities. (See also Other Services and Facilities.)
S. Library offenses
Unauthorized removal, stashing or sequestering, defacing, mutilating, or theft of library materials, or willful and repeated failure to respond to recall notices. (See also Library.)
T. Offenses compromising course materials
Recording lectures or class sessions without the express permission of the instructor (See University Recording Policy); sharing course materials (including, but not limited to, notes, transcriptions, and outlines of class lectures) online or in any other public forum without the express permission of the instructor; distributing any course materials for commercial purposes or personal gain.
U. Violation of the regulations on alcohol or social functions
Violation of the regulations on social functions or the Yale College regulations on alcoholic beverages. (See Activities and Events and Alcohol.)
V. Hazing
Because it violates our community values and standards, Yale College prohibits all acts of hazing. Hazing includes any action that violates Connecticut hazing law (CT General Statute, Section 53-23a, Hazing) as well as additional violations spelled out in these regulations.
In addition to Connecticut law, Yale College defines hazing to include initiation or affiliation activities that intentionally or recklessly endanger physical or mental health; that intimidate, denigrate, or humiliate persons pledging or seeking membership, or seeking to retain membership, in a registered or unregistered student organization or on an athletic team; or that intimidate, denigrate, or humiliate third parties who are witness to or subject to such activities. Blindfolding or physically restraining another individual, with or without that person's consent, falls within the Yale College definition of hazing.
Hazing is an offense whether it occurs on or off campus. The Executive Committee will not consider the implied or express consent of the person being hazed as a defense; nor will it consider the use of alcohol or drugs as a mitigating factor. To the contrary, in the context of hazing, the use of alcohol or drugs by any participants may be considered an express attempt to impair judgment, likely contributing to reckless behavior. Because hazing is an organizational activity, the organization, its officers, and responsible members will be held accountable for hazing violations.
Where harm occurs or the potential for harm exists to any person or persons as a result of hazing by members of a student group, the hosts of the event as well as the individuals directly involved and the officers of the organization (or their equivalent) can be held personally responsible. With respect to possible disciplinary action against all such persons, the Executive Committee may consider as mitigating factors their efforts to prevent the harmful or potentially harmful situation, as well as their cooperation with the Executive Committee’s investigation of the situation.
Student organizations include but are not limited to athletic clubs, varsity teams, fraternities, sororities, musical groups, junior and senior societies, drama groups, comedy groups, political groups, cultural houses, tour guides, student government organizations, and residential colleges.
W. Special provisions concerning student organizations
- Conduct Off Campus. Conduct occurring off campus is a violation of these regulations if the conduct, had it occurred on campus, would be a violation of section C, “Acts of violence or physical force,” section D, “Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment,” section L, “Alcohol,” or section M, “Drugs.” In addition, as provided in General Conduct and Discipline, any conduct occurring off campus that imperils the integrity and values of the University community may result in disciplinary action.
- Responsibility for Events. If any violations of sections L, “Alcohol,” or M, “Drugs,” occur at an event, or in connection with an event, where alcohol is served or permitted to be consumed, and which is held, sponsored, or supported by a fraternity or other registered or unregistered student organization (either on campus or off campus under the circumstances specified in subsection above), and the individual or individuals directly responsible for the violations are not identified, the host or hosts of the event or the organization responsible for the event will be held responsible for the violations. If the hosts are also not identified, the officers of the organization will be held personally responsible for the violations. The Executive Committee may consider the efforts made by the hosts or officers to prevent such violations, and their cooperation with the investigation of the violations, as mitigating factors with respect to the penalty for the violations.