Latin (LATN)
LATN 110a, Beginning Latin: The Elements of Latin Grammar Staff
Introduction to Latin. Emphasis on morphology and syntax within a structured program of readings and exercises. Prepares for LATN 120. No prior knowledge of Latin assumed. L1 1½ Course cr
LATN 120b, Beginning Latin: Review of Grammar and Selected Readings Staff
Continuation of LATN 110. Emphasis on consolidating grammar and on readings from Latin authors. The sequence LATN 110, 120 prepares for 131 or 141. Prerequisite: LATN 110 or equivalent. L2 RP 1½ Course cr
* LATN 125a, Intensive Beginning Latin Timothy Robinson
An accelerated course that covers in one term the material taught in LATN 110 and 120. Readings from Latin authors supplement intensive instruction in grammar and vocabulary. Admits to LATN 131 or 141. Not open to students who have completed LATN 110 or 120. L1, L2 RP 2 Course cr
MTWThF 9:25am-11:15am
LATN 131a, Latin Prose: An Introduction Staff
Close reading of a major work of classical prose; review of grammar as needed. Counts as L4 if taken after LATN 141 or equivalent, or if placed into L4. L3
LATN 141b, Latin Poetry: An Introduction Staff
An introduction to reading hexameter (epic) poetry in Latin. Readings come primarily from Vergil's Aeneid. Attention is paid both to grammar/syntax and to interpretation of poetic style and content. Counts as L4 if taken after LATN 131 or equivalent, or if placed into L4. L3
* LATN 390b, Latin Syntax and Stylistics John Dillon
A systematic review of syntax and an introduction to Latin style. Selections from Latin prose authors are read and analyzed, and students compose short pieces of Latin prose. For students with some experience reading Latin literature who desire a better foundation in forms, syntax, idiom, and style. L5, HU
TTh 1pm-2:15pm
* LATN 415a, The City of Rome Kirk Freudenburg
An advanced Latin course (with L5 credit) focusing on ancient literary depictions of life in Rome, as well as descriptions of the city’s landmarks, neighborhoods, built spaces, peoples, and routines, from the Late Republic to the High Empire. We look at how public spaces were encountered, experienced, and described, and how they were codified as ‘places for’ certain persons, activities, and experiences. Along with primary sources read in Latin, we read various secondary works of modern scholarship on topics of food, dining, status, and Roman identity. Permission of instructor is required. This course is designed to help students bridge the gap between advanced high school Latin, or Latin at the L4 level, to Latin at the L5 level. Yale students should have completed LATN 131 and LATN 141. Students coming from high school should have at least 3 full years of Latin instruction to their credit. L5, HU
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
* LATN 421a, Vergil's Aeneid Erika Valdivieso
An in-depth study of Vergil's Aeneid within its political context. L5
TTh 1pm-2:15pm
* LATN 432b, Seneca: Letters on Ethics Brad Inwood
Lucius Annaeus Seneca was one of the most distinguished writers of Latin prose and also an important Stoic philosopher. This course focusses on readings in his most important and best known works, the Epistulae Morales. Most of the letters we read deal with themes of broad general interest, but some include the more challenging philosophical topics in Stoic ethics that form the culmination of the work. We aim to read the letters included in Seneca: Selected Letters ed. Catharine Edwards (Cambridge 2019), which has an excellent literary and philological commentary; a few additional letters are read with the more philosophical commentary found in Brad Inwood Seneca: Selected Philosophical Letters (Oxford 2007). Prerequisite: L4 Latin course or advanced high school Latin. L5, HU
TTh 1pm-2:15pm
* LATN 448a, Latin Inscriptions and the Roman World Andrew Johnston
Introduction to Latin epigraphy - the study of Latin inscriptions - and the kinds of questions about the Romans and their world that these textual objects can help illuminate. We will explore a range of different kinds of inscriptions from Rome, Italy, and the provinces, ranging from the archaic period to late antiquity. Emphasis both on the methodology of epigraphy and on close reading of the texts situated in their social, cultural, historical, and monumental contexts. L5
TTh 2:30pm-3:45pm
LATN 460a, Petronius John Dillon
Close reading and discussion of the Latin text of Petronius's Satyricon, with attention to grammar, syntax, and style, as well as to larger issues of literature and culture in Neronian Rome. L5, HU
MW 1pm-2:15pm
* LATN 494a, Independent Tutorial in Latin Language and Literature Kirk Freudenburg
For students with advanced Latin language skills who wish to engage in concentrated reading and research on material not otherwise offered in courses. The work should result in a term paper or examination. A limited number of these courses may be offered toward the major. Offered subject to faculty availability.