Mechanical Engineering (MENG)

MENG 185a or b, Mechanical DesignStaff

A course designed for potential majors in mechanical engineering, with units on design methodology, statics, mechanics of materials, and machining. Includes a design project. Prerequisite: physics at the level of PHYS 180, or permission of instructor.  SC0 Course cr

MENG 211a or b, Thermodynamics for Mechanical EngineersStaff

Study of energy and its transformation and utilization. First and Second Laws for closed and open systems, equations of state, multicomponent nonreacting systems, auxiliary functions (H, A, G), and the chemical potential and conditions of equilibrium. Engineering devices such as power and refrigeration systems and their efficiencies. Prerequisites: PHYS 180 or 200, and MATH 115.  QR, SC

MENG 280a, Mechanical Engineering I: Strength and Deformation of Mechanical ElementsDiana Qiu

Elements of statics; mechanical behavior of materials; equilibrium equations, strains and displacements, and stress-strain relations. Elementary applications to trusses, bending of beams, pressure vessels, and torsion of bars. Prerequisites: PHYS 180 or 200, and MATH 115.  QR, SCRP
MW 9am-10:15am

MENG 285a, Introduction to Materials ScienceJan Schroers

Study of the atomic and microscopic origin of the properties of engineering materials: metals, glasses, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Phase diagrams; diffusion; rates of reaction; mechanisms of deformation, fracture, and strengthening; thermal and electrical conduction. Prerequisites: elementary calculus and background in basic mechanics (deformation, Hooke's law) and structure of atoms (orbitals, periodic table).  QR, SCRP
TTh 9am-10:15am

MENG 286La or b, Solid Mechanics and Materials Science LaboratoryStaff

This course introduces undergraduate students to a variety of microstructure characterization and mechanical testing techniques for engineering materials. It offers hands-on laboratory projects that enable students to investigate the relationship between the mechanical behavior of materials and their microstructure. Topics include bending and hardness tests, processing of materials, and fracture. The course uses several characterization methods, including scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, nanomechanical testing, and tensile testing. Prerequisite: MENG 285SCRP

MENG 287a, Intermediate Mechanical DesignJoran Booth

This is a hands-on, project-based course in mechanical design. Students work on design projects that expose them to a variety of manufacturing techniques, including laser cutting, 3D printing, machining, and soldering. Completing these projects gives students the opportunity to hone many practical skills, including computer-aided design, parametric modeling, creating webpages, and programming microcontrollers. Throughout the semester, students create a design portfolio that showcases their projects. Prerequisite: MENG 185.
TTh 1pm-2:15pm

* MENG 320b / ENRG 320b / ENVE 320b, Energy, Engines, and ClimateStaff

The course aims to cover the fundamentals of a field that is central to the future of the world. The field is rapidly evolving and, although an effort will be made to keep abreast of the latest developments, the course emphasis is on timeless fundamentals, especially from a physics perspective. Topics under consideration include: key concepts of climate change as a result of global warming, which is the primary motivator of a shift in energy supply and technologies to wean humanity off fossil fuels; carbon-free energy sources, with primary focus on solar, wind and associated needs for energy storage and grid upgrade; and, traditional power plants and engines using fossil fuels, that are currently involved in 85% of energy conversion worldwide and will remain dominant for at least a few decades. Elements of thermodynamics are covered throughout the course as needed, including the definition of various forms of energy, work and heat as energy transfer, the principle of conservation of energy, first law and second law, and rudiments of heat engines. We conclude with some considerations on energy policy and with the "big picture" on how to tackle future energy needs. The course is designed for juniors and seniors in science and engineering. Prerequisite: MENG 211 or permission from the instructor.  SC

* MENG 325a, Machine Elements and Manufacturing ProcessesJoran Booth

This course provides students a working knowledge of two fundamental topics related to mechanical design: machine elements and manufacturing processes. Machine elements refer one or more of a range of common design elements that transmit power and enable smooth and efficient motion in mechanical systems with moving parts. This course introduces the most common of these elements and gives students the tools to systems design with them. Topics include common linkages, gearing, bearings, springs, clutches, brakes, and common actuators such as DC motors. Manufacturing processes are necessary for the mechanical design engineer to effectively perform her or his duties; they provide an understanding of how the parts and systems that they design are fabricated, allowing “Design for Manufacturing” principles to be taken into account in the product development process. Students learn the basics of common commercial manufacturing processes for mechanical systems, including low-volume processes such as machining to high-volume processes such as casting (metal parts), molding (plastic parts), and stamping (sheet metal parts).    Prerequisites: Extensive CAD experience. MENG 185 and MENG 280 recommended.
MW 1pm-2:15pm

MENG 361a, Mechanical Engineering II: Fluid MechanicsMitchell Smooke

Mechanical properties of fluids, kinematics, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary conditions, hydrostatics, Euler's equations, Bernoulli's equation and applications, momentum theorems and control volume analysis, dimensional analysis and similitude, pipe flow, turbulence, concepts from boundary layer theory, elements of potential flow. Prerequisites: ENAS 194 or equivalent, and physics at least at the level of PHYS 180.  QR, SCRP
MW 11:35am-12:50pm

* MENG 363Lb, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics LaboratoryAmir Pahlavan

Hands-on experience in applying the principles of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Integration of experiment, theory, and simulation to reflect real-world phenomena. Students design and test prototype devices. Prerequisites: MENG 211 and 361.  WR, SC0 Course cr

MENG 365b, Chemical Propulsion SystemsAlessandro Gomez

Study of chemical propulsion systems. Topics include review of propulsion fundamentals; concepts of compressible fluid flow; development and application of relations for Fanno and Rayleigh flows; normal and oblique shock systems to various propulsion system components; engine performance characteristics; fundamentals of turbomachinery; liquid and solid rocket system components and performance. MENG 361 or permission of instructor.  QR, SCRP

MENG 383a, Mechanical Engineering III: DynamicsAhalya Prabhakar

Kinematics and dynamics of particles and systems of particles. Relative motion; systems with constraints. Rigid body mechanics; gyroscopes. Prerequisites: PHYS 180 or 200, and MATH 120 or ENAS 151.  QR, SC
MWF 10:30am-11:20am

MENG 387b, Analysis of StructuresCong Su


MENG 389b, Mechanical Engineering IV: Fluid and Thermal Energy ScienceStaff

Fundamentals of mechanical engineering applicable to the calculation of energy and power requirements, as well as transport of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation. Prerequisites: MENG 211, 361, and ENAS 194; or permission of instructor.  QR, SC

MENG 390b, Mechatronics LaboratoryIan Abraham

Hands-on synthesis of control systems, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Review of Laplace transforms, transfer functions, software tools for solving ODEs. Review of electronic components and introduction to electronic instrumentation. Introduction to sensors; mechanical power transmission elements; programming microcontrollers; PID control. Prerequisites: ENAS 194 or equivalent, ENAS 130, and EENG 200; or permission of instructor.  QRRP

MENG 400a or b, Computer-Aided EngineeringStaff

Aspects of computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM). The computer's role in the mechanical design and manufacturing process; commercial tools for two- and three-dimensional drafting and assembly modeling; finite-element analysis software for modeling mechanical, thermal, and fluid systems. Prerequisite: ENAS 130 or permission of instructor.  QR

MENG 404b / BENG 404b, Medical Device Design and InnovationDaniel Wiznia

The engineering design, project planning, prototype creation, and fabrication processes for medical devices that improve patient conditions, experiences, and outcomes. Students develop viable solutions and professional-level working prototypes to address clinical needs identified by practicing physicians. Some attention to topics such as intellectual property, the history of medical devices, documentation and reporting, and regulatory affairs.  0 Course cr

MENG 405b / EENG 442b, Introduction to Embedded Robotic SystemsAhalya Prabhakar

This project-based course gives students an introduction to concepts useful for a robotics engineer working with practical embedded systems, as well as experience with a variety of sensors and software tools needed for working with robots. Students are provided an overview of the different components of robotic systems, including planning, estimation, and control. Topics such as kinematics, dynamics (for robotics), frame transforms, twists, and wrenches will be introduced in the course. In addition, students learn how to use the Robot Operating System (ROS 2) to connect concepts and components relevant to robotic systems. Furthermore, they learn how to write software and simulations to interface sensors and actuators, and to integrate different components in a system, including planning, estimation, and control. By the end of the course, students complete a project using a real robot. Experience with mechatronics (MENG 390) and a basic understanding in dynamics is required. Coding experience required, specifically have a basic understanding of Python and C++.

MENG 425b, Advanced Design and Analysis of MachinesEric Dieckman

There are many useful, classic mechanisms that require a single actuator to operate.  These include four-bar mechanisms, slider-cranks, cam-followers, and scotch-yokes. In this course, students learn to design (synthesize) classic mechanisms. They also learn how to analyze the kinematics and kinetics of important machines. While systems based on single actuators are common, the course then introduces the dynamics of multiple degree-of-freedom machines such as robotic actuators. This course focuses on planar systems and students learn to write equations of motion of robots that can roll forward with multiple articulating linkages. Students design and analyze using SolidWorks and solve equations with Matlab. A project is designed, analyzed, built, and tested utilizing a microcontroller and 3D printer. Prerequisites: ENAS 130, MENG 325.

MENG 440b / ENAS 440b, Applied Numerical Methods for Algebraic Systems, Eigensystems, and Function ApproximationBeth Anne Bennett

The derivation, analysis, and implementation of various numerical methods. Topics include root-finding methods, numerical solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations, eigenvalue/eigenvector approximation, polynomial-based interpolation, and numerical integration. Additional topics such as computational cost, error analysis, and convergence are studied in several contexts throughout the course. Prerequisites: MATH 115, and 222 or 225, or equivalents; ENAS 130 or some experience with Matlab, C++, or Fortran programming.  QR
MW 2:30pm-3:45pm

* MENG 450a / APHY 450a / ENAS 450a, Advanced Synchrotron Techniques and Electron Spectroscopy of MaterialsCharles Ahn

Introduction to concepts of advanced x-ray and electron-based techniques used for understanding the electronic, structural, and chemical behavior of materials. Students learn from world-leading experts on fundamentals and practical applications of various diffraction, spectroscopy, and microscopy methods. Course highlights the use of synchrotrons in practical experiments. Prerequisites: physics and quantum mechanics/physical chemistry courses for physical science and engineering majors, or by permission of instructor.  QR, SC
Th 3:30pm-5:20pm

MENG 463b, Theoretical Fluid DynamicsJuan de la Mora

Derivation of the equations of fluid motion from basic principles. Potential theory, viscous flow, flow with vorticity. Topics in hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, stability, and turbulence. Prerequisite: MENG 361 or equivalent.  QR, SCRP

MENG 464b, Forces on the NanoscaleUdo Schwarz

Modern materials science often exploits the fact that atoms located at surfaces or in thin layers behave differently from bulk atoms to achieve new or greatly altered material properties. The course provides an in-depth discussion of intermolecular and surface forces, which determine the mechanical and chemical properties of surfaces. In the first part, we discuss the fundamental principles and concepts of forces between atoms and molecules. Part two generalizes these concepts to surface forces. Part three then gives a variety of examples. The course is of interest to students studying thin-film growth, surface coatings, mechanical and chemical properties of surfaces, soft matter including biomembranes, and colloidal suspensions. Some knowledge of basic physics, mathematics, chemistry, and thermodynamics is expected.  SC0 Course cr

MENG 466a, Engineering AcousticsEric Dieckman

Wave propagation in strings, membranes, plates, ducts, and volumes; plane, cylindrical, and spherical waves; reflection, transmission, and absorption characteristics; sources of sound. Introduction to special topics such as architectural, underwater, psychological, nonlinear, and musical acoustics, noise, and ultrasonics. Prerequisite: ENAS 194.
MW 1pm-2:15pm

* MENG 469a, AerodynamicsJuan de la Mora

Review of fluid dynamics. Inviscid flows over airfoils; finite wing theory; viscous effects and boundary layer theory. Compressible aerodynamics: normal and oblique shock waves and expansion waves. Linearized compressible flows. Some basic knowledge of thermodynamics is expected. Prerequisite: MENG 361 or permission of instructor.  QR, SC
TTh 9am-10:15am

* MENG 471a and MENG 472b, Special Projects IStaff

Faculty-supervised one- or two-person projects with emphasis on research (experiment, simulation, or theory), engineering design, or tutorial study. Students are expected to consult the course instructor, director of undergraduate studies, and/or appropriate faculty members to discuss ideas and suggestions for topics. Focus on development of professional skills such as writing abstracts, prospectuses, and technical reports as well as good practices for preparing posters and delivering presentations. Permission of advisor and director of undergraduate studies is required. Students are required to attend a 75-minute section once per week.
MW 4pm-5:15pm

* MENG 473a and MENG 474b, Special Projects IIStaff

Faculty-supervised one- or two-person projects with emphasis on research (experiment, simulation, or theory), engineering design, or tutorial study. Students are expected to consult the course instructor, director of undergraduate studies, and/or appropriate faculty members to discuss ideas and suggestions for topics. These courses may be taken at any time during the student's career and may be taken more than once. Prerequisites: MENG 471 or 472; permission of adviser and director of undergraduate studies.

MENG 475a / ENAS 475a, Fluid Mechanics of Natural PhenomenaAmir Pahlavan

This course draws inspiration from nature and focuses on utilizing the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics and soft matter physics to explain these phenomena. We study a broad range of problems related to i) nutrient transport in plants, slime molds, and fungi and the adaptation of their networks in dynamic environments, ii) collective behavior and chemotaxis of swimming microorganisms, and iii) pattern formation in nature, e.g. icicles, mud cracks, salt polygons, dendritic crystals, and Turing patterns. We also discuss how our understanding of these problems could be used to develop sustainable solutions for the society, e.g. designing synthetic trees to convert CO2 to oxygen, developing micro/nano robots for biomedical applications, and utilizing pattern formation and self-assembly to make new materials. Prerequisite: MENG 361.
MW 11:35am-12:50pm

MENG 487La, Mechanical Design: Process and Implementation IEric Dieckman

This course is the first half of the capstone design sequence (students take MENG 488 in the spring semester of the same academic year) and is a unique opportunity to apply and demonstrate broad and detailed knowledge of engineering in a team effort to design, construct, and test a functioning engineering system. The lecture portion of the class provides guidance in planning and managing your project, as well other topics associated with engineering design. This course sequence requires quality design; analyses and experiments to support the design effort; and the fabrication and testing of the engineered system; as well as proper documentation and presentation of results to a technical audience. Prerequisites: MENG 280, MENG 325, MENG 361. MENG 185 and MENG 390 are strongly suggested.  RP
TTh 1pm-3pm

MENG 488Lb, Mechanical Design: Process and Implementation IIEric Dieckman

This course is the second half of the capstone design sequence (students take MENG 487 in the fall semester of the same academic year) and is a unique opportunity to apply and demonstrate broad and detailed knowledge of engineering in a team effort to design, construct, and test a functioning engineering system. The lecture portion of the class provides guidance in planning and managing your project, as well other topics associated with engineering design. This course sequence requires quality design; analyses and experiments to support the design effort; and the fabrication and testing of the engineered system; as well as proper documentation and presentation of results to a technical audience. Prerequisites: MENG 487, MENG 280, and MENG 361. MENG 185 and MENG 325 are strongly suggested.  ½ Course cr

MENG 493b, Introduction to Soft RoboticsRebecca Kramer-Bottiglio

An introduction to soft robotics. Course topics include: robot kinematics, soft robot fabrication and design, conductive composites, soft and stretchable sensors, variable stiffness materials, responsive material actuators, simple controllers, elastic materials models, and soft robot simulation. The course also includes a semester-long soft robotics design project or literature review.