Polish (PLSH)
PLSH 110a, Elementary Polish I Krystyna Illakowicz
A comprehensive introduction to elementary Polish grammar and conversation, with emphasis on spontaneous oral expression. Reading of original texts, including poetry. Use of video materials. L1 RP 1½ Course cr
MTWThF 9:25am-10:15am
PLSH 120b, Elementary Polish II Krystyna Illakowicz
Continuation of PLSH 110. After PLSH 110 or equivalent. L2 RP 1½ Course cr
MTWThF 9:25am-10:15am
PLSH 130a, Intermediate Polish I Krystyna Illakowicz
A reading and conversation course conducted in Polish. Systematic review of grammar; practice in speaking and composition; reading of selected texts, including poetry. Use of video materials. After PLSH 120 or equivalent. L3 RP 1½ Course cr
MTWThF 10:30am-11:20am
PLSH 140b, Intermediate Polish II Krystyna Illakowicz
Continuation of PLSH 130. After PLSH 130 or equivalent. L4 RP 1½ Course cr
MTWThF 10:30am-11:20am
* PLSH 150a, Advanced Polish Krystyna Illakowicz
Improvement of high-level language skills through reading, comprehension, discussion, and writing. Focus on the study of language through major literary and cultural texts, as well as through film and other media. Exploration of major historical and cultural themes. Prerequisite: PLSH 140 or equivalent. L5
TTh 1pm-2:15pm
* PLSH 246b / FILM 241b, Polish Communism and Postcommunism in Film Krystyna Illakowicz
The Polish film school of the 1950s and the Polish New Wave of the 1960s. Pressures of politics, ideology, and censorship on cinema. Topics include gender roles in historical and contemporary narratives, identity, ethos of struggle, ethical dilemmas, and issues of power, status, and idealism. Films by Wajda, Munk, Polanski, Skolimowski, Kieslowski, Holland, and Kedzierzawska, as well as selected documentaries. Readings by Milosz, Andrzejewski, Mickiewicz, Maslowska, Haltoff, and others. Readings and discussion in English. HU
MW 1pm-2:15pm