Hellenic Studies
Chair: John Geanakoplos, 30 Hillhouse Ave., 432-3397; Director: George Syrimis, 34 Hillhouse Ave., 432-9342; https://hsp.macmillan.yale.edu
Hellenic Studies is a program of the European Studies Council. The core of the program is the teaching of modern Greek, supplemented with other courses and events related to the study of postantiquity Greece, as well as the society and culture of modern Greece and its interaction with the rest of Europe and the world. Related courses can be found in the listings of Anthropology, History, History of Art, Comparative Literature, Political Science, Religious Studies, and Russian and East European Studies. A major in Ancient and Modern Greek is described under Classics. Students who have an interest in postantiquity Greek language, society, or culture are advised to consult with the program director of the Hellenic Studies program.
Hellenic Studies is an interdisciplinary program of the European Studies Council located at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. The core of the program is comprehensive instruction in the modern Greek language at the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. The program supplements this language instruction with a variety of courses and events focused on modern Greek literature and culture, as well as Ottoman, Balkan, and modern Greek history, all situated within the broader geographical, historical, and comparative context of postantiquity Greece. Relevant courses are taught in various departments in the humanities and social sciences.
A major in Ancient and Modern Greek is offered in conjunction with the Department of Classics. In addition, the program in Hellenic Studies offers language and research fellowships to eligible Yale students. First-year students are encouraged to consult with the directors of the program for advice on appropriate programs of study.