Accelerated M.B.A./M.P.H. Program in Health Care Management

The Accelerated M.B.A./M.P.H. Program in Health Care Management enables students to earn an M.B.A. degree from the Yale School of Management (SOM) and an M.P.H. degree from the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) in a twenty-two-month integrated program. The program is designed to provide future health care leaders with the interdisciplinary training and perspective needed to address complex and multidimensional industry challenges.

Students begin the program with an intensive summer session at YSPH, where they complete M.P.H. core courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, and social and behavioral sciences. The first year is spent at SOM, and students take courses at both schools during the final year.


In this program, students complete a minimum of 14 course units at YSPH and 52 course units at SOM, which include 34.5 units of core requirements and 17.5 elective course units.

Yale School of Public Health

Core Requirements

BIS 515Accelerated Biostatistics2
CDE 515Accelerated Epidemiology1
EPH 100Professional Skills Series0
EPH 510Health Policy and Health Care Systems1
EPH 513Major Health Threats: Ethics and Practice1
SBS 505Accelerated Social and Behavioral Foundations of Health1

Health Care Management Requirements

HPM 570Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Decision-Making1
HPM 583Methods in Health Services Research1
HPM 688Managing Health Care in Complex Systems1
MGT 698Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Economics4
MGT 699ColloquiumHealthcareLeadership (2 terms)1
1 to 2 electives at YSPH1–2
One Global Health Leadership elective 11
One of the following:
BIS/SBS 640User-Centered Design of Digital Health Tools1
HPM 548Pharmaceutical Industry and Public Policy1
HPM 595Food and Drug Administration Law1
MGT 654Data-Driven Value Creation in Healthcare and Life Sciences2
MGT 657Creating Healthcare and Life Science Ventures2
MGT 663Innov,Invt,&NewFrontiersinMed2
MGT 668Narratives in Health2
MGT 995Sustainable Innovation in Healthcare2
One of the following:
EMD/SBS 588Health Justice Practicum1
EPH 500Public Health Practicum1
EPH 501U.S. Health Justice Concentration Practicum1
EPH 521Summer Internship - APE0
EPH 555Clinic in Climate Justice and Public Health1
HPM 555Health Policy or Health Care Management Practicum 11
HPM 556Advanced Health Policy Practicum1

Yale School of Management

Core Requirements

MGT 401Managing Groups & Teams1
MGT 402Basics of Accounting2
MGT 403Probability Modeling & Statistics2
MGT 404Basics of Economics2.5
MGT 405Modeling Managerial Decisions2
MGT 408Introduction to Negotiation1
MGT 410Competitor2
MGT 411Customer2
MGT 412Investor2
MGT 413State & Society2
MGT 417Power & Politics2
MGT 418Global Virtual Teams2
MGT 420The Workforce2
MGT 421Innovator2
MGT 422Operations Engine2
MGT 423Sourcing & Managing Funds2
MGT 425The Global Macroeconomy2
MGT 430The Executive2
International Experience (during spring break)0


Core Curriculum

The core curriculum of the M.P.H. program focuses on competencies in evidence-based approaches to public health (1–4), public health and health care systems (5–6), planning and management to promote health (7–11), policy in public health (12–15), leadership (16–17), communication (18–20), interprofessional practice (21), and systems thinking (22). Upon completing the core curriculum, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice
  2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context
  3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate
  4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice
  5. Compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings
  6. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities, and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels
  7. Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health
  8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs
  9. Design a population-based policy, program, project, or intervention
  10. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management
  11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs
  12. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence
  13. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes
  14. Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations
  15. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity
  16. Apply principles of leadership, governance, and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration, and guiding decision-making
  17. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges
  18. Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors
  19. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation
  20. Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content
  21. Perform effectively on interprofessional teams
  22. Apply systems-thinking tools to a public health issue

Health Care Management Program

Upon receiving an M.P.H. degree in the Accelerated M.B.A./M.P.H. Program in Health Care Management, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate health care financing, regulatory, and delivery systems;

  • critique empirical research intended to evaluate the causal impact of health policies and health system reforms;

  • utilize statistical analysis skills to conduct health systems and policy research;

  • apply management problem-solving skills to improve functioning of organizations and agencies in health systems; and

  • identify questions in public health policy and practice that may be amenable to model-based approaches.