Online Syllabi

For students 

The course syllabus informs students about the scope, procedures, bibliography, and examination or paper requirements of a course. It often features a grading rubric. The syllabus should also convey the instructor’s expectations about academic integrity. The Poorvu Center recently launched a Syllabus Writing Guide, with suggestions for appropriate plagiarism warnings through the Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism section. If the instructor plans to limit enrollment, the syllabus should indicate the enrollment process. It is crucial that instructors post syllabi on Canvas before the start of registration to help students choose their courses properly. 

For the Course of Study Committee

A provisional syllabus is extremely helpful during the course review process. The Committee understands that instructors often update and improve their course syllabi close to the start of term, however even a provisional syllabus provides the Committee a more complete look at the academic scope and the expected workload of the course.

Prior to registration, Yale offers students the option of viewing online syllabi through Yale Course Search (YCS) with links to Canvas @ Yale. A syllabus, even if provisional, should be posted to Canvas @ Yale well in advance of the course enrollment period.

Canvas @ Yale automatically creates sites for all courses listed in Yale Course Search, as long as the instructor's name is included on the course listing. Faculty and students log on to Canvas @ Yale with their Yale NetID and password. For assistance, consult Canvas @ Yale online help or email