
Instruction in the program is rooted in the investigation of painting as a unique genre with its own complex syntax and history. Within this setting, the program encourages diversity of practice and interpretation, innovation, and experimentation.

Approximately eighteen students are admitted each year. At the core of instruction are individual and group critiques with faculty, visiting critics, and visiting artists. In addition, students participate in a variety of seminars taught by faculty members. The study of printmaking is integrated into the painting program, and a student may concentrate in painting, printmaking, or a combination of the two.

Students work in individual 300-square-foot studios at 353 Crown Street adjacent to Green Hall. Students have access to a printmaking workshop in the Crown Street building, equipped with two etching presses and a lithography press, a fully equipped silkscreen facility, as well as digital resources available in the print studio, throughout the school, and at the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media.

Credit Requirements

Thirty-nine credits in area of concentration, including ART 949, and 21 additional credits, including a minimum of 3 academic credits in courses outside the School of Art.

Typical Plan of Study

First Year, Minimum Fall-Term Credits
ART 542Individual Criticism: Painting6
or ART 544 Individual Criticism: Painting
ART 546Round Trip: First-Year Crits3
ART 949Critical & Professional Practices3
Academic or Studio Electives3
First-Year, Minimum Spring-Term Credits
ART 510Pit Crit3
ART 543Individual Criticism: Painting6
or ART 545 Individual Criticism: Painting
Academic or Studio Electives6
Second Year, Minimum Fall-Term Credits
ART 511Pit Crit3
ART 512Thesis 20251.5
ART 544Individual Criticism: Painting6
or ART 542 Individual Criticism: Painting
Academic or Studio Electives4.5
Second Year, Minimum Spring-Term Credits
ART 513Thesis 20251.5
ART 545Individual Criticism: Painting6
or ART 543 Individual Criticism: Painting
Academic or Studio Electives7.5