Second Language Acquisition
Fernando Rubio
Graduate Certificate in Second Language Acquisition
The Center for Language Study (CLS) offers the Certificate in Second Language Acquisition (SLA Certificate) which is specifically designed for Ph.D. students in language and literature departments and provides a comprehensive training program in second language acquisition and language teaching methodology. The SLA Certificate offers students a solid foundation in second language acquisition, language teaching methodology, and applied linguistics. It covers both the theoretical principles and the practical pedagogy training essential for a career in a language-related field.
Upon completing the SLA Certificate, students will:
- be familiar with current theories in Second Language Acquisition;
- understand key theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical concepts;
- apply current pedagogical principles to their teaching practice;
- be familiar with current approaches to language teaching; and
- have completed a language teaching e-portfolio documenting their college teaching experience and philosophy in a format that can be used in the academic job application process.
Only students enrolled in Ph.D. programs in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are eligible to receive the SLA Certificate, which is noted on students’ transcripts. The program is best undertaken by students starting their teaching years, although Ph.D. students in later years may be able to be accommodated.
To apply to the program, visit, which allows students to submit an application directly to the CLS. The CLS will then contact the student to schedule an entry interview.
- Eportfolio (to be scheduled following your entry interview)
- Training and professional development (numbers 1, 2, and 4 should be taken in sequence, when possible)
1. CLS Pedagogy Workshop offered in August the week before fall semester starts
2. Fundamentals of Language Teaching (fall semester—five sessions)
3. Advanced Fundamentals of Language Teaching (spring semester—five sessions)
4. LING 564, Principles of Language Teaching and Learning
5. Professional development activities; for example, Brown Bags, language pedagogy-related conferences, workshops (note: a departmental methods course would be equal to two professional development activities)
- Teaching observations
1. A minimum of four language class observations of others, with a report on your observations:
- Two peer observations (one of which in a language you do not understand)
- Two observations of a senior language instructor
2. A minimum of two observations of your language class, with a report from the observer (one from a senior language instructor and one from a peer). If you are not teaching a language class, there are alternative ways to complete this requirement.
- Teaching at Yale University (minimum of two semesters)
- Completed Teaching ePortfolio
- Teaching statement
- Portfolio workshop
- Annotated syllabi (one for a beginning and intermediate-level language course)
- Annotated sample course materials, such as task-based and communicative activities
- Annotated lesson plan
- Annotated student evaluations
- Teaching video sample
- Reflective narrative on your experiences
- Exit Interview (to be scheduled upon completion of all requirements or at least one month before graduation)
Note: Documentation of all requirements must be updated at the end of each semester using the form you will be given access to upon registration.
For further details, see the SLA Certificate Completion Instructions (
A student who intends to file for the final granting of the SLA Certificate must schedule an exit interview with the CLS Director and submit in advance their e-portfolio and their reflective narrative no later than the end of the term prior to the award. Students should allow two to four weeks for materials review and to schedule an interview. Upon successful completion of the exit interview, the CLS Director will confirm that the student has fulfilled all the requirements of the certificate with the University Registrar’s Office so that the SLA certificate will appear as a notation on the student’s transcript.