Other Services and Facilities
A. Library
The physical and digital collections of the Yale University Library, along with the library’s numerous buildings and spaces for study and research, are among the University’s greatest and most important academic assets. Students are encouraged to make full use of library collections and spaces, and to ask for help when conducting their research. Upon entry to Yale College, each student is assigned a Personal Librarian. This librarian can answer questions as students progress through the first two years; after declaring a major, subject specialists are available to assist with research in each area of study. To find your Personal Librarian, visit https://library.yale.edu/help-and-research-support/help/personal-librarians.
Library access and privileges are provided to all registered undergraduates. The University identification card is required to enter most libraries and university assigned NetID is required to access electronic materials. The identification card also must be shown whenever library materials are borrowed. Library privileges are personal and individual; they may not be transferred or used on behalf of another person. Sharing your identification, physically or electronically, violates Library policies. For violations of the library regulations, the University Librarian or their delegate may suspend library privileges and/or impose fines, including charges for replacement of library materials, which includes media equipment, and repair to damages. Information about loan policies and fines is located at https://library.yale.edu/find-request-and-use/use/using-library-collections. Additional questions about access and fines can be directed to Ask Yale Library, askyalelibrary@yale.edu.
Allowing unauthorized access, impairing library functions, failing to return library materials, removing or sequestering (“stashing”) books without authorization, or damaging library materials diminishes the usefulness of the libraries. Unauthorized access to library electronic records and databases is a violation; this includes tampering with such files as online circulation records, falsifying identification to enter restricted databases, and downloading electronic content in a manner that violates the Library’s license agreements. These actions can result in the suspension of privileges and access to electronic content. A list of the Library’s regulations and security polices is found at https://guides.library.yale.edu/about/policies/access.
In the case of serious or repeated infractions of library regulations, the University Librarian or their delegate may refer the matter to the Yale College Executive Committee with a request that further disciplinary action be taken. In addition to University discipline, students may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil liability for violating provisions of applicable law.
B. Office of Career Strategy
The Office of Career Strategy offers programs designed to enable students of Yale College to further their career goals. To provide services on an equitable basis, the Office of Career Strategy has established procedures and regulations. Violations of these standards, including reneging on an internship or post-graduate job offer, may cause revocation of the privilege to use OCS programs, resources, and facilities.
Infractions may be referred by the director of the Office of Career Strategy, at their discretion, to the Yale College Executive Committee with a request that disciplinary action be taken. Infractions include, but are not limited to, the following: altering in any manner a transcript, associated documents, or test scores; reneging on an accepted internship or full-time employment offer; signing up for an employment interview when not authorized to do so; purporting to be another person or utilizing a document of another person; and sequestering or removing materials without permission. Students are expected to keep appointments and to conform to norms of common courtesy.
C. Technology facilities
Students using Yale's computer network are required to adhere to Yale's Information Technology Appropriate Use Policy. This policy requires the use of all computing devices (e.g. servers, personal computing devices, printers, networked devices of all types) be consistent with the principles and values that govern use of other University facilities and services. Yale's Appropriate Use Policy applies to all computing devices on the University network, including privately owned computing devices or computing devices not owned, managed, or maintained by Yale University. The appropriate use of technology includes refraining from injury or harassment of others, impersonation of others, unauthorized access of any computing systems, or violation of law. All University policies do apply, including ensuring the security of the devices students operate on the University's network.
Yale receives “takedown” notices for violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Yale receives these notices in its capacity as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) when a user on the Yale network is observed illegally sharing or downloading copyrighted material online. The University procedures for handling these notices includes forwarding the notice to the alleged infringers, contacting the student’s residential college dean, or restricting or removing access to Yale network resources. If you receive a copyright infringement notice or other correspondence from the University in connection with alleged infringing activity, read the notice carefully and comply with University requests as soon as possible. In addition to any discipline imposed by Yale for these violations, illegal file sharing may result in legal action by the content owners.
Each technology facility has additional rules that govern its use. Copies of the relevant rules are available at the facilities. Students with authorized access to technology facilities are subject to the rules and should acquaint themselves with them. Violations may be punished by a suspension of the privilege of access to the facilities for a specified period of time or permanently. Such penalties may be summarily imposed by the director of the computer facilities in question or by the director’s designee.
Once privileges are suspended, the director or the director’s designee will so notify the student in writing, describing the evidentiary basis for the decision. A copy of this notice will also be sent to the student’s residential college dean and to the chief information officer. A student who believes that they have been unjustly suspended from the use of technology facilities may appeal the director’s decision to the Chief Information Officer.
In the case of serious or repeated infractions of the facility rules, the director of the facility or the director’s designee may, at their discretion, refer the matter to the Yale College Executive Committee with a request that further disciplinary action be taken; infractions of the Undergraduate Regulations will be referred to the Yale College Executive Committee. In addition to University discipline, students may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil liability for violating provisions of applicable law.