Additional Courses Offered

Area I

Advanced Biblical Hebrew Prose

American Immigration and Apocalypse

Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions

Antioch and Dura-Europos

Authors, Editors, and Scribes: The Making of the Hebrew Bible

Biblical Poetry

Bodies and Embodiment in the Hebrew Bible

Book of Jeremiah

Book of Judges and Contemporary Religious Life

Book of Lamentations

Bounty and Duty: The Hebrew Bible and Creation

Composition of the Pentateuch

Danger of a Single Story: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the New Testament

Dead Sea Scrolls

Death, Memorial, and the Immortality in the Hebrew Bible and Its World


Early Biblical Interpretation

English Exegesis: First Corinthians

English Exegesis: Gospel of Matthew

English Exegesis: Mark

English Exegesis: Philippians

English Exegesis: Romans

Exodus through the Ages

Gender, Sexuality, and the Hebrew Bible

Gnostic Texts in the Nag Hammadi Library

Greek Exegesis: Acts of the Apostles

Greek Exegesis: Ephesians and the Pauline Tradition

Greek Exegesis: Galatians

Greek Exegesis: Mark

Greek Exegesis: Matthew

Greek Exegesis: Paul’s Letter to the Romans

Grief and Emotions: Ancient Philosophy and Theology, Modern Conversations

The Hebrew Bible, Race, and Racism

Hebrew Exegesis: The Book of Proverbs

Hebrew Exegesis: Ecclesiastes/Qohelet

Hebrew Exegesis: Exodus

Hebrew Exegesis: Leviticus

History and Methods of the Discipline of New Testament Studies

History and Methods II: Interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures in Late Modernity and Beyond

History of Biblical Interpretation

Jesus as Influencer? Rhetoric, Storytelling, and New Testament Narratives

Judaism in the Roman Empire: Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Apologetics

The Letters of Paul

Literary Criticism and the New Testament

Past Tense: Classical Biblical Prophecy

Pauline Theology

Philo's Life of Moses

Philo of Alexandria and the Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture

Post-Biblical Hebrew

“Race” and the New Testament

Readings in Second Temple Jewish Texts: Chronicles and the Temple Scroll

Revelation and Imagination

Scribes and Text at Qumran

Women and Gender in Early Christianity

Area II

Asian American Theologies

Augustine’s City of God

Black Theology

Body and Land

Catholic Liturgy

Catholic Moral Theology

Catholic Social Teaching

Christ and Confrontation: The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Christian Identity and the Formation of the Racial World

Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism

Contemporary Black Theologies and the Early Church

Contemporary Theological Anthropology

Creaturely Agency and the Contestation of the Human

Daily Prayer

Devotion and Practice in Early Christianity

Digital Media, Liturgy, and Theology

Eschatology, Apocalypse, Utopia

Eucharistic Prayers and Eucharistic Theology

Experience in Ethics

Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Christian Faith

Gender and Liturgy

God in Modern Thought


History of American Evangelical Worship

Imagining Theological Method: De-colonial and Indigenous Possibilities

Incarnations: Body, Theology, and Performativity

Introduction to East Asian Theologies

Introduction to Womanist Theology and Ethics

James Cone

Karl Barth

Liberation Theologies in the United States

Liturgical Movements of the Twentieth Century

Liturgical Theology

Liturgy and Life

Lives of Christ

Love, Prophecy, and Social Criticism

Medieval Latin for Saints and Sinners

Medieval Theology Survey

Music and Theology in the Sixteenth Century

Natural Disasters in the Christian Tradition: Ritual and Theological Responses

Natural Law and Christian Ethics

Natural Theology and the New Animism

Passion and Atonement

Paul Tillich


Political Theology

Reel Presence: Explorations in Liturgy and Film

Religious Eros

Ritual Theory for Liturgical Studies

Sacraments and Sacramentality

Sacrifice: Gift, Ritual, and Violence in Early Christianity

Schleiermacher's Christian Faith

Scientific Thought and Christian Theology

Social Practices and Ethical Formation

Some of Us Are Brave: Black Feminist Theory, Black Womanist Ethics

Special Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies


A Survey of Medieval Latin

Theological Themes in the Reformed Creeds and Confessions

Theologies of Religious Pluralism

Theology of the Lutheran Confessions

Theology of Vatican II

Theology, Race, and the Built Environment

Theology through Music

Understanding American Evangelical Worship

United Methodist History and Doctrine

Virtue and Hypocrisy: Moral Thought

Virtue Ethics

War and Violence in Christian Ethics

What Is a Sacrament?

Work, Debt, and Christian Witness

Worship and Evangelism

Worship, Culture, and Technology

Area III

2000 Years of Christianity in Africa: A History of the African Church

African American Religion and the Modern Civil Rights Movement, 1954–1968

American Religion in the Archives

Averroes and Thomas Aquinas

The Bible in English

Black Religion and Migration

Calvin and Calvinism

Christianities in the Colonized Americas

Christianity and Coloniality in Contemporary Africa

Christianity and Culture Wars

Clement of Alexandria: Culture, Theology, and the Stromateis


Core Texts of Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham

Death and Afterlife in Eastern Christian Traditions

Death and Remembrance: The Black Death to World War I

Death and the Dead

Encountering the Bible: From Antiquity to Reformation

Encountering the Bible: From Reformation to Contemporary Society

Exclusion and Dialogue with other Religions in the Middle Ages and the Reformation

Francis and Clare of Assisi

The German Mystical Tradition in Theology, Piety, and Music

Global Catholicism

God and Self: Spiritual Autobiographies in Context

Gods, Goods, and the Goals of Life: Early Christian Ethical Thinking in Ancient World Contexts 

History of the African Church

Interpreting Medieval Religion

An Introduction to Byzantine Monasticism

Jews, Christians, and Renaissance Bibles

Liberation Theology in Latin America

Living the Reformation

Luther and Zwingli: Reformation Conflict

Martin Luther and the Reformation

Martyrdom and Sainthood in the Early Modern World

Mysticism in the West 1100–1700

Native Americans and Christianity

Origins of Christian Art in Late Antiquity

Pentecostalism in Africa

Reading Calvin’s Institutes

Readings in Early Evangelicalism in Europe and North America, 1580–1830

Reformation Europe

Reformed Christianity

Religion, Art, and Resistance to Empire

Religion in Latin America

Religion, Literature, and Politics in Early Modern Britain

Religion and the Cold War

Religion and U.S. Empire

Religions and Societies in Colonized North America

Religious Freedom in U.S. History

U.S. Catholic History Remapped

U.S. Law and Religion

Witchcraft and Witch-hunting in Early Modern Europe and America

Area IV

African American Preaching

Black Religion and Radical Education

Body and Soul: Ministry for Sexuality and Justice

Caring for Justice and Joy

Chaplaincy in Multi-Faith Contexts

Conflict Transformation: Pastoral Care with Congregations and Communities

Feminist and Womanist Perspectives on Pastoral Theology and Care

The Gospel in Lament: Preaching for a Suffering World

Grace Unbounded: Preaching on Ephesians

The Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Preaching: The Writings

Howard Thurman: Mysticism and Prophetic Witness

Intentional Leadership

Introductions to Religious Education

Interrogating Whiteness

Leadership and Change

Ministry and Addictions

Ministry with Youth

Musicality of Black Preaching

Pauli Murray In and Out of the Pulpit

Practical Theology Seminar

Preaching on the Gospel of Mark

Preaching on the Gospel of Matthew

Psychology of Religion

Psychopathology and Pastoral Care

Radical Lives of Proclamation

Research Methods in Practical Theology

Theory and Practice of Faith Development

Women’s Ways of Knowing

Area V

Accidental Theologies

African American Religious and Political Thought

China Mission

Christian Art and Architecture from the Renaissance to the Present

Christian Pilgrimage

Christianity and Ecology

Continuing Bonds with the Dead through Art

Covenant, Federalism, and Public Ethics

Creative Faith: Poetry

Critical Methods in Reading Poetry Theologically

Critical Moments in the History of Christian Art

Cult of the Saints in Early Christianity and the Middle Ages

Disagreement, Fallibility, and Faith

Divine Command Theory

Ecological Ethics and Environmental Justice

Ethics, Imagination, and the Art of Living

The End of the World

Epic Laments: Sorrow in Ancient and Contemporary Caribbean Literatures

Faith and the Will

Faith, Doubt, and Redemption in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Fiction

Faith-[In]forming: Christian Poetics for the Twenty-First Century

Free Will, Human and Divine

Herbert and Hopkins in the Twenty-First Century

Imagining the Apocalypse: Scripture, Fiction, Film

Indigenous Traditions and the Environment

Interfaith Learning through an Exploration of Life-Cycle Rituals

An Introduction to African Diaspora Religions

Introduction to American Judaism

Kant’s Philosophy of Religion

Kierkegaard’s Philosophy of Religion

Letters to God: Simone Weil, Etty Hillesum, Edith Stein

Literary Appropriations: Writers and Philosophers in Conversation

Mary in the Middle Ages

Metaphysics and Epistemic Self-Trust

Modern Faith

Modern Short Fiction

Moral Issues in Public Policy: Poverty, Health Care, and Voting Rights

Pandemic Ethics

The Passion in the Eighteenth Century

Picturing the Bible

Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism

Poetry and Faith

Poetry for Ministry

Psalms in Scripture, Literature, and Music

Rationality and Christian Belief

Religion and Neoliberalism

Religion and Race in the United States

Religious Language

Religious Pilgrimage in China and Tibet

Religious Tourism

Resources for the Study of Religion

Russian Religious Thought

Sacred Music: Unity and Diversity

Science and Religion

Sensational Materialities: Sensory Cultures in History, Theory, and Method

South and Southeast Asian Christianities

Spiritual Topographies in Modern Poetry and Fiction

Style and Religious Writing

Taking Leave: Meditations on Art, Death, and the Afterlife from the Bible to the Twentieth Century

Themes in World Christianity

Theological Aesthetics

Theological Predication and Divine Attributes

Theory and Mourning: Readings in Race, Religion, Gender, and Sexuality

Travel Seminar

Virtue, Vice, and Epistemic Injustice

Visual Controversies: Religion and the Politics of Vision

W.E.B. Du Bois and Black Radical Traditions

Witnessing, Remembrance, Commemoration

Women of the Gospel: Jackson, Clark, Caesar, Franklin