Calendar for the DUS

The dates in this calendar are approximate and may change. The entries with asterisks refer to responsibilities of the DUS. The entries without asterisks refer to events and deadlines in the Yale College Calendar with Pertinent Deadlines in the YCPS. For registration and add/drop open and close dates refer to the registration website.

Ongoing responsibilities

  • Oversee the creation and approval of new courses to be presented to your department, the Course of Study Committee, and the Yale College faculty.
  • Oversee the department's advisory system.
  • Periodically check your major's degree audits to be sure they are on track to fulfill their degree requirements.
  • Hold DUS Office hours.
  • Review and approve student petitions and requests as needed and as you see appropriate. Such petitions include endorsement of a student's request for credit for coursework done outside of Yale; a senior's petition to accelerate, or leave Yale at the end of the fall term (or seven terms of enrollment); a student's petition to complete the requirements of two majors; and a student's request for double credit for a single credit course.
  • Inform faculty colleagues, especially new hires, as needed on academic regulations in Yale College, as well as any departmental policies. Provide them links to the Yale College Programs of Study and the Instructors' Handbook.
  • Confer with the department chair, faculty colleagues, and student majors to solicit ideas for strengthening the major.
  • Attend DUS meetings at the invitation of the Yale College Dean. Attend Yale College faculty meetings.
Prior to First Week Confirm first-year placement examination information with Dean Risa Sodi.
Third Week Organize multi-section courses and first-year seminars for Preference Selection.
All weeks Welcome new faculty members to the department. Share with them the policies and customs of Yale College.
First Week Confirm that multi-section courses and first-year seminars are included in Preference Selection.
Send instructions to departmental advisers regarding fall-term add/drop period.
Third Week Remind faculty teaching courses approved after registration in the spring to post their syllabus on Canvas. Confirm that all courses approved over the summer appear on Yale Course Search.
Fourth Week Report to the Registrar’s Office departmental clearance for seniors who submitted late essays during the summer or who otherwise over the summer completed the requirements of the major. Nominate to the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing students who completed major requirements over the summer who are eligible for Distinction in the Major. Do this as students qualify during the course of the year.
Fourth Week Remind faculty that add/drop period opens August 29 and closes September 5.
Fifth Week Fall-term classes begin August 30.
Brief departmental faculty colleagues on academic regulations (grading system, reading period, final examination period, etc.) as they are explained in the Instructors’ Handbook.
First Week Supervise the organization of senior tutorials and senior essay program.
Second Week Deadline for seniors to apply for completion of degree requirements at the end of the fall term.
Fourth Week Organize departmental Student Advisory Committee.
Begin planning new courses for the following academic year to be presented to the department and to the Course of Study Committee throughout the year.
If your department is considering making changes to the major, contact the Committee on Majors.
First Week Submit any late course proposals for the spring term.
Third Week Correct and update course information for the spring term through CourseLeaf (
Fourth Week Midterm. (Last day for a student to withdraw from a fall-term course without the course appearing on the transcript. Deadline for applications for double credit in a single-credit course.)
Begin submitting new courses to the Course of Study Committee for the following academic year, to be continued through early-March.
First Week Consult with students about their spring schedules.
Refer to the registration website for the opening date for spring term registration.
Review spring-term courses on Yale Course Search prior to the opening of registration.
Second Week Review your major page in YCPS. Edit as needed and approve as requested by the Registrar's Office. The editing cycle stays open until late February.
Remind seniors who are completing degree requirements at the end of the fall term of necessary deadlines, etc.
Assign faculty readers for senior essays or projects for students completing degree requirements at the end of the fall term.
First Week Classes end; reading period begins.
Last day for a student to withdraw from a fall-term course. Deadline for a member of the sophomore class in the third term of enrollment, with the permission of the DUS, to declare an intention to accelerate by using acceleration credits.
Departmental examination, if applicable, for seniors completing degree requirements at the end of the fall term.
Second Week Reading period ends: final examinations begin.
Third Week Final examinations end.
Proposals for changes to the major due to Committee on Majors.
Winter recess begins.
Third Week Check the registration website for the opening of add/drop period. Spring-term classes begin.
Submit Major Completion Forms to the Registrar’s Office for students who completed degree requirements in the fall term.
Begin planning new courses for the next academic year
Supervise the administration of senior tutorials and senior essays or projects.
Review Online Course Evaluations for courses in your department or program to identify potential concerns to discuss with the chair.
Review Degree Audit for your majors to ensure they are well placed for completing requirements for the major.
First Week Recruit departmental advisers for following academic year.
Third Week New course proposals for the fall term due to the Course of Study Committee.
Finalize all changes to the program overview and first-year information as they appear in YCPS. Submit copy revisions in CourseLeaf, as requested by the Registrar's Office.
Review the department's placement policies on acceleration credit.
First Week Submit final YCPS updates for your departmental program overview and first-year tab through CourseLeaf.
Recruit readers for senior essays and senior projects.
Send guidance to departmental advisors concerning fall registration and students' course programs.
Midterm. (Last day for a student to withdraw from a spring-term course without the course appearing on the transcript. Deadline for applications for double credit in a single-credit course.)
Spring recess begins.
Fourth Week Review Degree Audit for seniors.
Prepare for registration for the fall term, including plans for preference selection and other limited enrollment procedures.
Spring recess ends.
First Week Submit copy for the Calendar for the Opening Days of College for the coming academic year as requested by the Yale College Dean's Office.
Appoint departmental prize committee.
Receive senior essays and distribute them to readers for grading.
Second Week Remind faculty that fall-term registration opens. Refer to the registration website for dates.
Fourth Week Last day of classes in the spring term. (Last day for a student to withdraw from a spring-term course.)
Reading period. Continues through first week in May.
Departmental examination, if applicable.
First Week Begin preparing nominations for Distinction in the Major, especially if the department may have a candidate for Exceptional Distinction in the Major.
Final examinations begin.
Recommend to the department candidates for Distinction in the Major and prizes.
Second Week Forward nominations for Distinction in the Major to the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing.
Consult with students about their fall-term course schedules.
Final examinations end.
Thursday before Commencement Yale College Committee on Honors and Academic Standing meets to clear seniors for graduation.