Routine Matters

Routine matters that require the support or approval of the DUS are copied below and they link to dynamic forms (or a sample pdf) that students use to petition for these academic arrangements.

Forms for these requests are also available on the University Registrar's Forms & Petitions page or are supplied to students by their residential college deans. Explanatory observations for each of these routine matters appear below.

Request TO ADD CourseWork COMPLETED outside Yale

A student may generally apply as many as two course credits earned at another accredited four-year college toward the requirement of thirty-six course credits for the bachelor’s degree. While the Office of Academic Affairs approves outside courses for credit toward the 36-course-credit graduation requirement, only the DUS can approve such courses for credit toward major requirements. In signing this form, the DUS in the subject of a course taken by a student at another university gives their judgment that the student’s work is such as to justify its counting toward that department's major requirements. As the regulations on the form make clear, you may request any information you need to make this decision. Such information may include a copy of the course syllabus, copies of essays or examinations written in the course, or a letter from the instructor of the course. You may on occasion choose to require the student to pass an examination in the material of the course. But usually a brief conversation with the student will answer any questions that you may have about the transcript that the student shows you.

If the outside course is already recorded on the student's Yale transcript, you may then count that course, if appropriate, toward major requirements; the student need not complete another form for that purpose.

The role of the DUS is only to pass judgment on the substance of the outside course. The student’s college dean will attend to all the other requirements governing the award of outside credit. These requirements are given in full on the form and under Credit from Other Universities in the Academic Regulations in the Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS).

Note that if the Office of Academic Affairs approves a course for credit toward the 36-course-credit requirement for graduation, you may still determine that the course should not count toward the requirements of the major, as that decision is the prerogative of the DUS. Conversely, you may approve a student’s work done elsewhere as counting toward the requirements of the major even though the student will not receive course credit for such work toward the 36-course-credit requirement.

Students seeking graduation credit for work done abroad during the summer are required to apply through the Office of International and Summer Programs. The Director of Study Abroad coordinates with the relevant DUSs for approval for credit toward the major.

There is no limit on the number of in-person courses in Yale Summer Session or the Yale Summer Program in London that a student may offer toward the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. See Courses in Yale Summer Session and Yale-in-London Summer Program under Special Academic Programs in the Academic Regulations. In every way these courses are to be treated in the same fashion as courses given at Yale in the fall and spring terms. Thus special approval from the DUS is not needed for a course in Yale Summer Session or the Yale Summer Program in London.

Students who wish to bring in outside course credit must use the Request to Add Coursework Completed Outside Yale form, which is available on the Registrar’s Forms & Petitions page.

Senior’s Petition to Leave Yale at the End of the Fall Term

A small number of seniors each year complete their degree requirements at the end of the fall term. In signing the Petition to Complete Degree Requirements at the End of the Fall Term, the DUS certifies that such students are on track to complete the requirements of the major by the end of their final term of enrollment, which is a fall term. The bachelor’s degree is not actually awarded to such students until Commencement in May.

The regulations governing fall-term completion of degree requirements are given on the form and in Completion of Degree Requirements at the End of a Fall Term under Special Academic Arrangements in the Academic Regulations. The DUS should note in particular that in order for students to be eligible at the end of a fall term for graduation in May, they must be complete and passing by the end of the fall term in all credit-bearing courses required for the degree, including credit-bearing senior essays or senior projects. If the senior essay or senior project required by a department or program does not carry course credit, then it may be accepted during the spring term when the student is not enrolled. But Yale College discourages such an arrangement unless it is absolutely necessary. If a departmental examination is given only in the spring term, students who have otherwise completed their degree requirements may take it then. But in general the DUS should see that students who complete course requirements at the end of the fall term have fulfilled all of the requirements of the major by that time. Finally, as you counsel such students, please note that that acceleration credits cannot yield a fall-term completion of degree requirements.

You will want to keep a record of the names of the students for whom you have signed this form. The deadline for students to submit the form to the residential college dean is the last day of the add/drop period in their final term of enrollment. Toward the end of the fall term, the registrar will send the DUS a major completion form for each of these students, and the DUS will be asked to certify that they have in fact completed the requirements of the major; see How to Graduate a Senior.

Petition to Complete the Requirements of Two Majors

If a student wishes to fulfill the requirements of two majors, each major must be completed independently of the other, with no more than two courses overlapping. Note that the overlap may not be in the senior essay or the senior project, unless both directors of undergraduate studies certify that the essay or project represents the equivalent of the minimum essay or project requirement of the one major in addition to the minimum essay or project requirement of the other major. A joint senior project may earn no more than 3 course credits. Prerequisites in either major are not considered to be overlapping courses. Other than such prerequisites, all courses taken in a major—including those taken in excess of the minimum requirements of the major—are counted in the consideration of overlapping courses unless such courses are in excess of the minimum requirements for both majors.

It is not possible to offer as two majors a combined major with one of its component majors. For example, a major in Economics and Mathematics cannot be joined with a second major either in Economics or in Mathematics. Similarly, a student completing a major that permits the inclusion of a concentration of courses from another major or program cannot also major in that second major or program. For example, the major in Sociology with Psychology cannot have a second major in Psychology. Furthermore, a Special Divisional Major may not be offered as one of two majors.

The completion of two majors does not result in the award of two degrees; a student who completes a major that leads to the award of the B.A. degree and another major that leads to the award of the B.S. degree may choose the degree to be conferred. A petition to complete the requirements of two majors should be made only after the student’s plans are definite, but no later than the last day of add/drop period in the student’s final term of enrollment.

See also Two Majors under Special Academic Arrangements in the Academic Regulations. Note in particular this warning: “A student contemplating the completion of two majors should bear in mind that doing so will almost invariably limit the opportunities for a wider distribution of studies over different subjects.”

A student may not petition for permission to complete the requirements of more than two major programs.

Students may access the Petition to Complete the Requirements of Two Majors via the Registrar's Forms & Petitions page.

Petition to Accelerate/Decelerate

When a student petitions to accelerate by one or two terms, the DUS must certify that the student has been received into the major and that the student can complete the major within the remaining terms of enrollment.

The complicated rules on acceleration are given under Acceleration Policies in the Academic Regulations. They are administered by the residential college deans and the University Registrar’s Office and do not directly concern the DUS, whose chief role is to make sure that the student can complete the major while earning an accelerated degree.

More students accelerate by one term than by two terms. It is important to note that the final term of enrollment for a student who uses acceleration credits to accelerate by one term must be the spring term.

Students can find the Petition to Accelerate/Decelerate on the Registrar's Forms & Petitions page.

Request for Double Credit for a Single-Credit Course

Following is the text of the faculty legislation on this subject, voted in 1972:

Double credit for courses normally carrying single credits may be awarded to students, provided (a) the instructor, the appropriate Director of Undergraduate Studies, and the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing give permission, (b) each petitioning student makes limited use of this privilege, (c) permission is requested by midterm, and (d) the course assignments represent at least twice the normal expectations.

The procedures to be followed by students who wish to acquire double credit for a course are as follows:

  1. The student and the instructor of the course should agree on the work to be done and draw up a syllabus showing that the student will be doing twice the normal work for the course.
  2. This syllabus, along with the double-credit form signed by the instructor, should be presented to the DUS of the instructor’s department.
  3. The DUS should forward the syllabus, together with the signed form of the arrangement, to the residential college dean.

The faculty legislation stipulates that all this should be done by midterm. The spirit of the faculty’s intentions in setting this deadline assumes early and careful planning of the double work to be done. A later petition would be the nature of post facto or retroactive arrangement for credit, which the policies of Yale College do not permit.

A sample form (PDF) is available in the Appendix section.