Course of Study Committee
The Course of Study Committee is the standing committee of the Yale College Faculty with which directors of undergraduate studies have the most direct and frequent contact. It comprises faculty members drawn from the divisions of the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences; members of the Yale College Dean’s Office; and undergraduate students. The Course of Study Committee is the main agency by which the Yale College Faculty oversees and improves the curriculum of Yale College. One of its chief responsibilities is considering and approving (or rejecting) proposals for additions or alterations to the curriculum submitted to it by departments and programs. The secretary to the chair of the Course of Study Committee is Assistant University Registrar, Dawn Shirak.
In substantive matters, the approval of the Course of Study Committee is not final but is subject to ratification by the Yale College Faculty. The addition of any new course to the curriculum, or a significant change in any existing course, thus requires the approval of the Course of Study Committee and the faculty. Proposals for New Courses and for Changes in Existing Courses, and Notification of the Course of Study Committee’s Actions discuss the main points of business that a DUS has with the Course of Study Committee.
Annual information about the membership of the Course of Study Committee is published on the Yale College website. The Course of Study meeting schedule is sent to DUSs and department administrators before the start of each term.