International and Development Economics

Economic Growth Center
27 Hillhouse Avenue, 203.432.3610

Director of Graduate Studies
Michael Boozer

Program Co-Directors
Michael Boozer
Ana Cecilia Fieler

The Department of Economics offers a one-year program of study in International and Development Economics, leading to the Master of Arts degree. IDE students are diverse in terms of their nationalities and their career paths. Many of our students now come directly from their undergraduate school or a few years of work experience, although we do not exclude any candidate on the basis of work experience or country of origin. After completion of the program, IDE students have gone into various paths, including working in research for academic and nonacademic agencies such as the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Poverty Action Lab. Other students have gone on to further academic work such as law school and to Ph.D. programs in economics, environmental sciences, public health, and similar programs. Many students have returned to their home countries to work for their government or for funding agencies there.

Some students entering the program are required to complete the summer program in English and Mathematics for Economists offered by Yale University. This requirement may be waived for applicants demonstrating exceptional training in economic analysis and a good command of English.

Yale fellowship funds are not available for the IDE program, and students are required to produce certification of the necessary funding prior to enrollment.

The course program requires the completion of eight graduate-level courses, five of which make up the core elements of the IDE program and are required; the remaining three are graduate electives. The required courses are ECON 545, Microeconomics; ECON 546, Growth and Macroeconomics; ECON 558, Econometrics; ECON 559, Development Econometrics; and one of the following: ECON 732, Advanced Economic Development, or ECON 547, Social Networks and Economic Development. These required courses are designed to provide a rigorous understanding of the economic theory necessary for economic policy analysis. In special circumstances, in consultation with the DGS, students may receive credit toward the degree for undergraduate language or mathematics classes. An option of a second year of nondegree elective study is available via the special student registration status.

Joint-program options for study with the School of the Environment (YSE) and the School of Public Health (YSPH) are also available. Application to YSE or YSPH must be made simultaneously with the application to the IDE program. Admission to these joint programs is determined by the participating professional school and must be obtained prior to beginning the program. Joint-degree students earn the Master of Arts degree in IDE and the Master of Environmental Studies (YSE) or Master of Public Health (YSPH) degree.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the IDE program website at Send questions regarding the program to the Senior Administrative Assistant, International and Development Economics Program, Yale University, PO Box 208269, New Haven CT 06520-8269; email,