Student Complaints
A. Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment
Any student at Yale who is concerned about equal opportunity, sexual harassment, racial harassment, or fairness in admissions or employment at Yale, either in a general sense or with respect to their own situation, can review resources here.
B. Complaints of sexual misconduct
Concerns about sexual misconduct or gender discrimination can be brought to the Title IX Office. The University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) is available to hear all student complaints of sexual misconduct. It has sole disciplinary authority over Yale College students charged with sexual misconduct. The UWC is appointed and authorized to act by the provost.
C. Nonacademic complaints
An undergraduate may bring a complaint of a nonacademic infraction to the attention of the Executive Committee only in conjunction with their residential college head, residential college dean, a member of the Yale College Dean’s Office, a human relations counselor, the College or University's Title IX Coordinator, or the Yale Police Department. (See Disciplinary Procedures of the Executive Committee of Yale College.)