Change of Department or Track

For the two-year M.P.H., departmental changes may be requested during the spring term of the first academic year. Students who wish to change departments must apply in writing to the chair of the requested department to do so. In addition to a written statement about why they want to transfer, students submit a copy of an unofficial YSPH transcript. Department changes are not guaranteed. At minimum, prior to petitioning a chair to change departments, students should confirm that they have the following minimum requirements in their background:

  • Chronic Disease Epidemiology: education and experience in science, demonstration of quantitative ability
  • Environmental Health Sciences: demonstrated academic ability in related coursework (environmental sciences, basic sciences, math/statistics, and public health); research, professional or volunteer experience and/or activities in environmental health sciences; a statement of purpose that outlines training goals, faculty of interest, and a future career plan
  • Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases: demonstrated interest in infectious disease epidemiology, prior coursework in biology or related field, good academic standing, ability to complete all EMD requirements in remaining time in program
  • Health Policy: economic background and/or successful completion of HPM 586, Microeconomics for Health Policy and Health Management
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences: a passion to investigate and influence social and structural factors (e.g., stigma, housing, poverty, social relationships, norms) to promote health and prevent disease

Because of the number of requirements and the sequencing of courses, students may not switch into the Health Care Management Program, the Biostatistics department, or the Executive M.P.H. Program.

If the change is approved, the student must submit a change of department form to the Office of Student Affairs. Students must be sure to fulfill all course requirements for the new department. The change of department form is available on the myYSPH site at

For the Advanced Professional M.P.H. Program, track changes may be requested during the spring term of the first academic year. Students who wish to change tracks in the Advanced Professional M.P.H. Program must send their request in writing to the program director.

For the Executive M.P.H. Program, students can elect to add up to two tracks during the spring term of their graduation year. A form will be shared at that time for graduating students to indicate their intention to complete tracks by graduation. Students records will be audited and updated accordingly.