Thesis Prizes
Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Thesis
The Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Thesis may be awarded to a small number (maximum of four) of students for extraordinary academic achievement on the M.P.H. thesis. Thesis advisers who recognize a student’s work as truly exceptional may nominate the student for this prize.
Outstanding M.P.H. thesis Prize in Health Equity
This award honors an exceptional thesis by a graduating M.P.H. student whose work has implications for improving the health and well-being of historically marginalized populations or communities. To be eligible, the thesis may address any aspect of health equity, for example, but not limited to: disparities in health behaviors, access to care, quality of care, or outcomes of care; social or structural determinants of health; or novel analytic or methodological approaches to studying health equity or social justice. The primary thesis adviser’s nomination should include a clear description of how the thesis addresses health equity.
This award honors a student for exceptional scholarly achievement on an internationally-focused M.P.H. thesis.
Nomination Process
Students must receive a grade of H (Honors) in order to be nominated for these prizes. Nominations should be submitted to the associate dean of student affairs by the primary adviser after discussion with the secondary adviser, by the thesis grading deadline of May 1. Winners are announced at the YSPH Commencement ceremony.
For questions about the thesis process, please contact the YSPH registrar at