International Student Exchange

Students in the M.Div. and M.A.R. programs who wish to study abroad are eligible to participate in YDS’s International Student Exchange Programs. One-term and yearlong exchange options for M.Div. and M.A.R. students have been initiated between YDS and Westcott House Anglican Theological College in Cambridge, England, and with German universities in Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Tübingen. There are also one-term and yearlong exchanges with Singapore’s Trinity Theological College, the Divinity School of Chung Chi College (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and the University of Oslo in Norway. At the German universities, summer research grants are available. Credits earned through exchange study are governed by YDS policy on transfer credits (see the chapter Standards and Requirements).

Students interested in participating in an exchange program for all or part of their last year at YDS should first review their degree progress with the registrar. Information sessions on the international exchange programs are usually offered during the first half of the fall term. For questions, please contact Jan Hagens, director of International Student Exchange Programs ( or Antonio Bravo, assistant director of International Student Exchange Programs (