YCPS and Related Websites
Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS) is the primary source of information about the curriculum of Yale College. Published online in early April, the YCPS contains the official listing of Yale College program requirements and academic regulations. The publication date for the YCPS has been set so that the online catalog is available to students well before registration opens for the fall term. It is from that publication date that the schedule works backward, and the schedule cannot be breached without jeopardy to the publication itself. The deadline for YCPS copy falls in mid-February, but there is some opportunity throughout March for DUSs to submit changes as they arise. Once YCPS is published, changes to the Overview section of each major cannot be made until the next editing cycle.
The Yale College Dean's Office website includes a section specifically for first-year students. It includes Yale College policies concerning acceleration and is also a source of information about placement policies in departments offering multiple levels of introductory and intermediate courses.
The Advising Resources website, managed by the Yale College Dean's Office, provides a variety of resources for first- and second-year students and their advisers. The site offers information about selecting courses and majors, advising, and the Yale College distributional requirements, as well as a calendar of events relevant to first years and sophomores.
It is the responsibility of the DUS to gather and transmit updates for all these publications and websites as requested. Because the methods and timetables by which departments plan their curricula vary, some DUSs may find that they must remind their colleagues of the stringency of the deadlines.
Questions about the publications and topics below may be directed to the contact listed.
- Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS): Beth Baumgartel, Communications and Publications Manager, 246 Church Street
- DUS Handbook: Beth Baumgartel, Communications and Publications Manager, 246 Church Street
- Handbook for Instructors of Undergraduates in Yale College: Beth Baumgartel, Communications and Publications Manager, 246 Church Street
- Calendar for the Opening Days of College: Hannah Peck, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, 55 Whitney, 2nd Floor
- Advising Resources website: Risa Sodi, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs & Director of Advising and Special Programs, SSS 32
- CourseLeaf CIM form: Dawn Shirak, Secretary to the Chair of the Course of Study Committee, 246 Church Street
- Room assignments: Brendan McGovern, Assistant University Registrar, 246 Church Street