Council on African Studies

The MacMillan Center
137 Rosenkranz Hall, 203.432.1425
Graduate Certificate of Concentration in African Studies

Stephanie Newell (English)

For faculty listings, see African Studies under Degree-Granting Departments and Programs in this bulletin.

Special Requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Concentration in African Studies

The Graduate Certificate of Concentration in African Studies enables graduate and professional school students in fields other than African Studies to demonstrate interdisciplinary area expertise, language proficiency, and research competence in African Studies. The certificate program is intended to complement existing fields of studies in other M.A. and Ph.D. programs and to provide the equivalent of such specialization for students in departments and schools without Africa-related fields of study. The certificate program is designed to be completed within the time span of a normal Ph.D. residence. Professional school students and M.A. students in the graduate school may require an additional term of registration to complete the certificate requirements depending on the requirements of specific programs.

The certificate program includes interdisciplinary course work, language study, and research components. The specific requirements are:

  1. Successful completion of at least six courses in African Studies from at least two departments or schools, one of which is a core course in African Studies (AFST 505, Gateway to Africa; AFST 764, Topics in African Studies; or other foundational course approved by the director of graduate studies [DGS] for African Studies).
  2. Demonstration of proficiency in an African language.
  3. Evidence of research expertise in African Studies. Research expertise may be demonstrated by completion of an interdisciplinary thesis, dissertation prospectus, or dissertation, or by completion of a substantive research seminar paper or the equivalent as approved by the faculty adviser.

The certificate courses and research work should be planned to demonstrate clearly fulfillment of the goals of the certificate. Certificate candidates should design their course schedules in consultation with the DGS for African Studies. Ideally, students should declare their intention to complete the certificate requirements early in their program at Yale. Graduate- and professional-school students who intend to complete the certificate program must declare their intention to do so no later than during their penultimate term of enrollment.


For course listings, see African Studies under Degree-Granting Departments and Programs in this bulletin.