How Courses Appear in Yale Course Search

The day after the course is offered in WEN it should appear in Yale Course Search (YCS). It is important that the departmental administrator and the instructor check the course listing in YCS to ensure that all information (linked to a graduate course, distributional designations, instructor name, etc) is correctOnce registration opens, course offerings cannot be changed.

Once the course listing appears in Yale Course Search, with the instructor's name, the Canvas site will open. The Canvas site will not open until the instructor’s name is listed.

Once the Canvas site opens, the instructor should:

  • Write an expanded course description in Canvas if desired.
  • Upload the syllabus. Once the syllabus has been uploaded to Canvas, a button appears on YCS so students can link to the syllabus.
  • Contact Canvas for any Canvas-related questions.

Yale Course Search has many helpful search features (see Features of Yale Course Search).