Registration Restrictions
There are three ways to restrict registration in WEN for certain populations of students:
- Classifications: the student's class year.
- Field of Study-Major: the student's chosen major.
- Level: the school in which the student is enrolled (Yale College, Graduate School, and some professional schools).
Adding Registration Restrictions
This is an all-or-nothing process. If you choose to restrict graduate students, it is all graduate students. If you choose to include only majors, it will only let declared majors enroll.
- Log into WEN. Navigate to the course you want to edit.
- Open the Editing Section window and click the pencil icon to the right of the Restrictions to open the Restrictions window.
- Select the desired restriction type you want set up by clicking its pencil icon.
- In the left-side editing column, choose either Include or Exclude. (Include is selected by default.)
- Click the green + icon to open a drop-down menu with options.
- Select the desired restriction from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Update arrow.
- You may add multiple restrictions.
- Once finished, click Accept.
Once you have added restrictions and submitted the revised CIM form, the restrictions will be effective the same day.