Canceling Offered Courses

  • You can cancel an offered course directly in CourseLeaf WEN before registration opens
  • If you need to cancel a course after registration has opened, you should still cancel it WEN, but you'll also need to send a message to and ask the University Registrar's Office to administratively remove the registered students. All registered students should be contacted before the course is cancelled in WEN.
To Cancel a Course in WEN
  1. Log into WEN and select the correct term.
  2. Double-click on the name of your department and then double-click on the course you wish to cancel.
  3. Remove the instructor's name (Staff is the default) and remove the meeting time by clicking on the red x.
  4. If a room has been assigned, this will change to "No Room Assigned" when you remove the meeting pattern.
  5. Change the maximum enrollment to "0." Change wait cap to "0" if applicable.
  6. Change the Status to "Cancelled" and click on Save Section.

Check in YCS later that day or the next day to make sure the course appears as cancelled.

If there is a problem, write to