Registration Restrictions

There are three ways to restrict registration in WEN for certain populations of students:

  • Classifications: the student's class year.
  • Field of Study-Major: the student's chosen major.
  • Level: the school in which the student is enrolled (Yale College, Graduate School, and some professional schools).
Adding Registration Restrictions

This is an all-or-nothing process. If you choose to restrict graduate students, it is all graduate students. If you choose to include only majors, it will only let declared majors enroll.

  1. Log into WEN. Navigate to the course you want to edit.
  2. Open the Editing Section window and click the pencil icon to the right of the Restrictions to open the Restrictions window.
  3. Select the desired restriction type you want set up by clicking its pencil icon. 
    1. In the left-side editing column, choose either Include or Exclude. (Include is selected by default.)
    2. Click the green + icon to open a drop-down menu with options.
    3. Select the desired restriction from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click the Update arrow.
  4. You may add multiple restrictions.
  5. Once finished, click Accept.

Once you have added restrictions and submitted the revised CIM form, the restrictions will be effective the same day.