Creating New Course Proposals

To begin, log into CIM. Anyone with a Yale NetID can propose or edit a course proposal.

 Click Propose New Course and a blank course proposal window opens. See How to Create a New Course Proposal, a video guide.

Introductory Section of New Course Proposal form

This section asks for information pertinent to several schools, including Yale College, Graduate School, Summer Session, Divinity, and School of the Environment. Each school and summer session has its own CIM form, accessible through the School drop-down field.

  1. Choose Yale College in the School drop-down field.
  2. Select the correct Effective Term in the drop-down field.
  3. Indicate the instructor's name, rank, and department.
  4. Indicate the subject code and number for the course. If you don’t know the number, type in "TBD."

TIP: Cross Title Requests: Even if you are unsure if other departments will approve your request, list as many as 4 undergraduate departments that might consider cross-listing with this course. This will automatically include the permission requests in workflow.

5. For cross titles/Same-school Multiple Title (AllCodes): Click Add to open the Enter Course Code field. Enter subject codes and "TBD" for any undergraduate departments you would like to invite to cross list with this course.

6. To cross list with the graduate school (and some professional schools): click the green + sign to open the Cross-school Multiple Titles selection window. Select the school and type the existing course number (or search for it) in the Quick Add field. If the graduate course doesn't exist yet, enter the subject code and "TBD" in the Quick Add field. Then click Add Selected.   

7. The Cross-school Primary Code only needs to be selected when there are both YC/graduate numbers. Always choose the Yale College number. If there is to be a graduate school course linked to the Yale College course, you must create a Graduate School course (using the Graduate School CIM form).

8. Enter the Course Title*, Course Catalog Description, and Prerequisites (optional) in the appropriate fields.

*If the course title is longer than 30 characters, a Short Title field will open. The short title must be 30 characters or less and will appear on the transcript.

9. Choose the Types of Instruction using the check boxes  (Seminar, Lecture, Laboratory, etc).

10. Select the Default Grade Mode (default for most Yale College courses is Y - YC - Letter Grade; select G - Graduate for most Graduate school courses)

11. Select the appropriate Credit Per Term. If you are requesting a non-standard credit – a text field will open so you can enter justification for the request. Default is 1.0 credit per term.

12. Indicate whether the course may be repeated for credit. Default is No.

13. Departmental Attributes. This field allows you to add departmental attributes (see Departmental Attributes).

Second Section: Yale College

This section pertains only to Yale College and asks for instructor information and whether the course will be multiple titled with the graduate school or professional schools.

1. Instructors indicate if they have taught previously at Yale College. New instructors must attach a syllabus and CV. All instructors are asked to upload a (provisional, if necessary) syllabus.

2. Indicate here whether the course will be multiple titled with a graduate or professional school number?  If yes, three fields will open asking for more information.

Third Section: Course Work

This section pertains only to Yale College courses and asks for more details about the required coursework.

1. List principal readings and required course materials, organized by week.

2. Indicate an approximate number of pages of reading per week.

3. Describe all graded assignments and assessments. Click the green + to add additional lines, as needed. Include approximate page count for all written work. All graded assignments should appear in this table and the percentages should total 100%.

4. Describe the work that will be used to provide graded feedback prior to the middle of the term.

5. Describe end-of-term work (final exam, final paper, etc.).

6. Indicate whether there will be non-English readings or instruction.

7. Describe activities outside of regular classroom meetings (discussion sections, field trips, film screenings, etc).

8. Indicate whether the course will meet during Reading Period.

9. Indicate the standard meeting pattern from the choices provided. This is for CSC information only, it does not impact course registration in WEN.

10. Indicate estimated enrollment, whether enrollment is limited, and whether instructor permission is required. This is not binding, it is for CSC information only.

11. Propose appropriate distribution designations. A justification field will open to allow an explanation for the request.

12. Include an Academic Integrity statement or a link to the Poorvu Center.

13. Answer the remaining questions explaining how the course fits within the department curriculum.